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Incorporating the Charity VAT & Tax, Strategy & Risk and Investment conference streams, the Charity Finance Summit has grown to become the key learning and networking event for charity finance teams in the autumn conference season.
We have carefully chosen sector experts who can provide you with relevant insight, informative case studies and compelling seminar sessions.
Tickets to the Summit give you the flexibility to select sessions from any conference stream. This means that you can tailor the sessions you or your team attend on the day to ensure you address your charity’s needs.

17 October 2017
8.45AM - 9.20AMRegistration, refreshments, networking & time to visit the exhibitionRegistration, refreshments, networking & time to visit the exhibition
9.20AM - 9.25AMChair's welcomeWelcome from Gareth Jones, editor, Charity Finance
9.25AM - 10.00AMOpening Keynote: Leadership in uncertain timesThis year's high profile speaker on security and geopolitics, to be announced at the Summit, will share personal experience of leadership through uncertainty in this inspirational and thought-provoking morning keynote.
10.00AM - 10.45AM1A. Corporate fundraising – the moving landscape of corporate partnerships and the VAT aspects to consider
This session will look at the VAT and tax issues of corporate partnerships and how these are now developing going forward. As these partnerships get more involved and complex the VAT and tax issues also need to be further explored.
Alison Hone, charity VAT partner, Saffery Champness -
10.00AM - 10.45AM1B. From an auditor's perspective: issues & opportunities
The year-end audit process should provide an opportunity for auditors to highlight any concerns they may have around your charity’s compliance with VAT and direct tax legislation, and to identify opportunities for maximising tax relief. This session will highlight common issues arising from Russell New's practical experience. Many charities are getting it wrong, what should you be looking out for?
Jonathan Aikens, associate partner – charities and education, Russell New
10.00AM - 10.45AM1C. Getting restructures right
This session will outline the key principles of the successful restructure programmes at Save the Children in 2014 and 2016. Nicola Marshall will draw on this experience to share best practice in preparing for and delivering organisational change, as well as discussing the key challenges faced on the way: how to manage in difficult times, how to set a clear vision and how to balance the needs of the organisation while maintaining staff engagement.
Nicola Marshall, deputy director, UK Programmes, Save the Children
10.00AM - 10.45AM1D. Can asset managers really predict the future?
A key component of investing is the ability to theorise over future events, which requires methodical forecasting in order for investors to profit. With 90% of portfolio returns depending on decisions over asset allocation issues, it is imperative to understand the tools that money managers use to assess the performance of those assets and reduce uncertainty. This session reflects on behavioural obstacles in the forecasting process and takes an overview of the best quantitative and qualitative practices that professionals use to approximate the one thing no one can be certain of: the future!
George Lagarias, senior investment analyst, Mazars Wealth Management
10.45AM - 11.15AMNetworking and refreshment breakNetworking and refreshment break
11.15AM - 12.00PM2A. VAT case law update and recent developments
This session will serve as an essential update into recent case law that might affect the charity sector. Phil Salmon will consider any changes to published VAT guidance and use real life examples to explore some key areas of VAT currently under focus from HMRC.
Phil Salmon, head of VAT, haysmacintyre -
11.15AM - 12.00PM2B. The current climate for VAT recovery and partial exemptionThis session will explain the rules for calculating the amount of VAT that can be recovered on expenditure, taking into account both non business and VATable and exempt business activities. It will explain the rules for attributing costs to income and activities, the methods that can be used for these purposes, and the leading case law in this area. The session will also highlight the requirements for negotiating and agreeing methods with HMRC, and offer a few practical hints for this purpose.
Debbie Jennings, VAT Principal, Kingston Smith -
11.15AM - 12.00PM2C. GDPR is coming: data ownership and compliance in the new regulatory framework
Despite exiting the EU, GDPR will still apply to the UK and charities must comply. Many charities are still learning the details of the new regulation and whether or not their current data practices will still comply with data protection law. This session aims to cut through the confusion and give you practical advice to ensure your charity is prepared for the future.
Andrew Gallie, senior associate, and Serena Tierney, partner, Veale Wasbrough Vizards
11.15AM - 12.00PM2D. Meeting the income challenge
Interest rates in the UK remain at historic lows and inflation continues to erode wealth at a level above the rates which investors can earn through traditional sources of income. As a result, many charities are severely challenged in meeting their income needs, frequently having to draw upon capital reserves to fund expenditure. This session will examine the diversification of income-producing assets, and explore how blending these assets can diversify risk, control volatility and generate regular and sustainable cash-flows for charity investors.
Vincent McEntegart, investment manager, Kames Capital
12.00PM - 12.40PM3A. Regulation and tax in the fundraising sector
In view of their public accountability it is especially important for charities to adhere closely to regulatory requirements when fundraising. This session will cover key issues and obligations in the regulatory environment for the fundraising sector and the key tax and VAT implications of fundraising activities.
Jon Daley, tax manager, Buzzacott
12.00PM - 12.40PM3B. An update on the latest developments on gift aid and direct tax issues
This session will deliver a round-up of latest developments and topical issues on gift aid and direct tax. It will include an update on GASDS – outcome of the consultation, the HMRC consultation on donor benefits, information on the apprenticeship levy, HMRC enquiries and trading subsidiaries where gift aid donations exceed distributable reserves.
Mark McGarry, direct tax partner, Saffery Champness
12.00PM - 12.40PM3C. Practical insights to managing strategic risk
While all charities will have one or two strategic risks that are specific to them, there are four areas of strategic risk that all charities have in common: impact, financial sustainability, reputation and compliance. This session will look at the four common areas and explore how charities can manage those strategic risks and provide assurance to boards that they are being managed.
Jonathan Orchard, and Kate Sayer, partners, Sayer Vincent
12.00PM - 12.40PM3D. Investing in uncertain times: a macro-economic outlook and the implications for investment portfolios
In this session, Rupert Harrison will share BlackRock’s latest market views and present key investment themes for the year ahead. He will discuss the political landscape and the potential threat posed by global geo-political events. Rupert will also talk to the approach of BlackRock's multi-asset teams and how they are positioning portfolios to take advantage of market opportunities and mitigate against macro-economic risks.
Rupert Harrison, managing director, BlackRock
12.40PM - 1.50PMLunch, networking break and time to visit the exhibition
Lunch, networking break and time to visit the exhibition
1.50PM - 2.35PM4A. Interactive tax surgery, in association with the Charity Tax Group
This session will offer an opportunity for delegates to submit tax queries to a panel of experts, and to discuss openly with professional advisers and peers. The session will be held under the Chatham House Rule, and priority will be given to questions that are of general interest to delegates. Where possible questions should be submitted in advance.
Panellists - Karen Atkinson, head of charity & social investment finance, Bridge House Estates, Graham Elliott, technical advisor, CTG and John Hemming, chair, CTG
1.50PM - 2.35PM4B. Employment tax update on key changes
Nick Bustin will review recent developments in employment tax. Join this session which will outline the latest developments on employment status, benefits & expenses reporting and optional remuneration arrangements, as well as discussing the tax consequences of workers status (employed vs self-employed).
Nick Bustin, employment tax director, haysmacintyre -
1.50PM - 2.35PM4C. The role of the FD in shaping robust financial governance
This session will explore the responsibility of the finance director to help shape robust financial governance in their organisation. How can the FD ensure that they are working effectively with the trustees and clearly communicating financial matters to ensure that the board has a strong grip on the accounts? With charities under increasing scrutiny and financial pressure, the dynamic between the finance executive and board is becoming increasingly important to effectively protect and actively promote an organisation's financial health.
John Tranter, director of resources, Independent Age
1.50PM - 2.35PM4D. The outlook for inflation and interest rates in the UK
The low interest rate and inflation environment in the UK has had a material impact on the investment policies of some charities. Low interest rates have reduced the monies available to charities from low risk assets while inflation in the UK has turned a corner following a rebound in energy prices and the depreciation of sterling following the Brexit decision in 2016. This session will review the outlook for UK inflation and interest rates and examine the investment implications for charities.
Darren Ruane, head of fixed interest, Investec Wealth & Investment Management
2.35PM - 3.15PM5A. Apprenticeship reform: opportunities for the voluntary sector
The recent introduction of the apprenticeship levy and government reform applying to organisations with wage bills of at least £3 million, has left many charities questioning its practical application, impact and overall benefit. This session will clearly explain the changes in legislation, how it effects charities, and provide some practical guidance on how to make the most of the changes.
Richard Marsh, apprenticeship partnerships director, Kaplan -
2.35PM - 3.15PM5B. Memberships, patron and supporter schemes
The outcome of recent court cases has impacted on charity VAT and gift aid. This affects the ability to maintain memberships as a valuable funding stream. This session will cover the key issues and considerations which not for profit organisations have to observe in order to ensure they can continue to minimise their VAT exposure while maximising their VAT recovery and gift aid opportunities, and avoiding giving rise to trading issues for direct tax.
Luke Savvas, charity & business tax partner, Buzzacott
2.35PM - 3.15PM5C. Risk management in practice
In an era of increasing scrutiny regarding liabilities, litigation, regulatory compliance and reputational risk, charities need to add risk management to their repertoire of skills and knowledge. This session will demonstrate how the basic principles and practice of risk management can be brought into the not-for-profit board room. Drawing on practical experience, Stephen McAndrew will explore how to help charity executives identify, manage and mitigate risks and improve decision making .
Stephen McAndrew, trustee, Rethink Mental Illness and risk management consultant -
2.35PM - 3.15PM5D. Active vs. passive investing – the great investment debate
The debate over the respective merits and shortcomings of active and passive investment management may have begun several decades ago, but it remains one of the most divisive issues in the world of investing. James Pettit will briefly cover the history of the debate, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, how your individual charity investment requirements are key to choosing the right strategy and why a hybrid approach may be the winning formula.
James Pettit, Investment Director, Rathbone Investment Management
3.15PM - 3.40PMNetworking and refreshment breakNetworking and refreshment break
3.40PM - 4.25PM6A. VAT consequences for property transactions
Property transactions can be subject to a full range of VAT liabilities, or fall outside the scope of VAT entirely. Charities can qualify for VAT relief on certain property expenditure, but the rules are complex. This session will explain the key rules applicable to the typical property transactions whilst highlighting where opportunities exist for mitigating the impact of VAT.
Debbie Jennings, VAT Principal, Kingston Smith -
3.40PM - 4.25PM6B. Fundraising - the basic tax exemptions
With core funding being hit many charities are looking at other ways to generate income to continue providing their services. ‘To survive’, is often the explanation for diversifying income streams. This session will outline the key considerations of diversification, including the basic rules regarding charity trading, when to use a trading subsidiary and the direct tax exemptions available. It will also explore some key areas of fundraising such as events exemptions.Mark Cummins, charities and education partner, Russell New
3.40PM - 4.25PM6C. Panel discussion: leading from finance
With all eyes on the charity sector, what role should the finance function be playing in helping to demonstrate impact and communicate social value? Our panellists will focus specifically on the increasing need to maintain high levels of impact reporting, what best practice looks like and to what extent finance ought to be the driving force behind it.
Panellists - Katie Boswell, deputy head of charities, New Philanthropy Capital, Susan Cordingley, director of planning & resources, NCVO, Kris Murali, group director of finance & resources, Sense
3.40PM - 4.25PM6D. Rethinking economic and financial theory
The world post financial crisis has forced investors to take a more holistic approach to return and risk modelling. Behavioural biases and lazy mean–reversion assumptions have inhibited early identification of significant macro regime changes over the last few years – this has been a key macro risk variable for markets. The policy response from central banks has generated unintended consequences that are testing conventional economic and finance theory. This session will explore how portfolio managers can adopt a risk budgeting approach to asset allocation in order to prepare for the next economic downturn.
Nick Murphy, partner, Smith & Williamson
4.25PM - 4.55PMClosing Keynote: The future of our regulator
This session will explore the evolving role of the Charity Commission as the regulator of our sector. William Shawcross will share recollections from his past five years in office and together with Andrew Hind, they will discuss what the future might have in store for the Commission, its relationship with the sector and its role in helping to promote public trust and confidence in charities.
Andrew Hind, professor of charity governance & finance, Cass Business School in conversation with William Shawcross, chair, Charity Commission
4.55PM - 5.00PMChair's closing remarksGareth Jones, editor, Charity Finance
5.00PM - 6.00PMNetworking drinks receptionNetworking drinks reception
Attended in 2016? You are eligible for our discounted loyalty rate. Contact us at [email protected] or on 020 7819 1200 to find out more
Great ways to save!
- Small charities: Charities with an annual income of less than £250,000 can save up to £100.00 off the ticket price
- Be an early bird! Book your place by 8 September to save £50.00 off the ticket price.
- Attend with your team! Ensure your whole team benefits from a great day's learning. With the Charity Team Ticket you can send up to four people for less than £150 each, saving your charity 40% on the booking fee.
Ticket type | Early bird (booking made by 8 September) |
Booking after 8 September |
Small charity (income <250k) |
£199 | £199 |
Charity delegate | £259 | £309 |
Charity Team Ticket (up to four places) | £639 | £769 |
Non-charity delegate | £749 | £799 |
Structured to cover key charity disciplines whilst enabling opportunity to focus on areas of particular interest. All in a relaxed and professional setting
Good range of topics & high quality speakers made for an informative day.
Access to loads of expertise which advises, cautions, supports and reassures all at once!
Very well-organised, informative & engaging – from content to speakers.
Very good summit, well organised and provided opportunity to learn and share knowledge.
Good content, excellent venue, very good networking opportunities.
First attendance at the event and won’t be the last. A very useful day.
Very interesting, lots of good content and choice.
Very informative event. Very enjoyable
A VAT revolution and a great way to refresh old and gain new insights.
An excellent overview of finance factors affecting charities today
Really enjoyed and will be looking to come back next year.
Excellent conference and very well managed. Insightful topics with excellent speakers.
Excellent event. Compelling, interesting talks. Who’d have thought a day of VAT could be made so interesting
A great opportunity to learn, engage and discuss the latest developments in the sector.
The event was well organised, the topics covered were useful and the speakers were great. It was also nice to meet other charity finance peers and helpful to meet the people at the stalls who were also helpful and relevant.
For speaker queries contact Jenni O'Donovan
For registration queries contact Chloe Vezey
For media partnerships and marketing queries contact Jonathan Harvey
Liverpool street
Terms and Conditions
Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing, however, circumstances beyond the control of the organisers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such Civil Society Media Ltd reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as soon as possible.
Substitution and cancellation policy: On receipt of your booking form, your place is confirmed. Delegate substitutions are allowed. Refunds on cancellations will only be issued (less a 15% administration charge) up to and including 14 days prior to the event. Refunds will not be issued after this date. Confirmation of cancellations MUST be in writing and sent or faxed to Civil Society Media at 15 Prescott Place, London, SW4 6BS 020 7819 1200 (fax: 020 7819 1210).
Personal details: This conference is produced by Civil Society Media Ltd. By registering to attend you are agreeing to be contacted with information relating to your delegate place and future events. Please e-mail [email protected] if you do not wish to be contacted about associated products from Civil Society Media. Please e-mail [email protected] if you do not wish to receive carefully screened, work-related emails from selected third parties.