This event has now sold-out! To be added to the waiting list, please email Dilan Ucer via [email protected]
We are also running a free webinar as part of Charity Finance Week, which is still open for booking. Find out more here.
We are delighted to announce the return of the 17th annual Charity Finance Summit.
The programme has been developed in response to feedback and insight from sector experts and will deliver the most up-to-date developments in key topic areas of VAT, tax, investment, risk and strategy, alongside networking opportunities.
In 2024, the Charity Finance Summit will take place at 155 Bishopsgate, London. Always a sell-out event, we encourage you to book your place as soon as possible to avoid disappointment, and we look forward to seeing you on the day.

10 October 2024
8.45AM - 9.15AMRegistration, refreshments, networking & time to visit exhibition
9.15AM - 9.20AMWelcome from Tristan Blythe, editor, Charity Finance
9.20AM - 10.10AMSeeing the big picture at a time of change
To set the wider context for the challenges charity finance teams face, this opening session will offer expert analysis and broad perspective on the issues and stories affecting modern Britain, chronicling the impact of rapid demographic, technological, economic and global change.
Mark Easton, BBC home news editor
10.10AM - 10.15AMChair's Welcome
Stream A – VAT & tax
Richard Bray, chair, Charity Tax GroupStream B – Risk, digital & change management
Ian Allsop, contributing editor, Charity FinanceStream C – Strategy & culture
Léa Legraien, senior reporter, Charity FinanceStream D – Investment
Tristan Blythe, editor, Charity Finance -
10.15AM - 10.55AM1A. Tax deep dive – donation vs grant vs contractDetermining the VAT and corporation tax liability of different sources of income has become a complex task. BDO will take you through what you can do to ensure that you maximise the return for your charity and minimise the risk of getting it wrong.
Parul Anand and Chris Evans, directors, BDO -
10.15AM - 10.55AM1B. Charities and risk
Drawing on practical experience, this session will discuss charities and their approach to managing risk, with a particular focus on what can happen when risk management goes wrong; the Charity Commission’s expectations; the two key questions for trustees and senior management; the difference between theoretical and actual risk management; and the contribution that assurance makes to effective risk management.
Laura Chesham and Con Alexander, charity partners, VWV
10.15AM - 10.55AM1C. Roles and expectations of the modern charity CFO
Charity CFOs are taking on more and more responsibility. Not only do they work on the financials but they are also making decisions around staff recruitment and upskilling; ESG factors to make the charity more attractive to funders and donors; fundraising innovation; understanding technology to help plug gaps eg. use of AI; and adopting new technology. This session looks at how the CFO can be supported as they become multifaceted and try and streamline processes in the modern age.
Hobby Dean, senior solution consultant, Sage
10.15AM - 10.55AM1D. Looking ahead
Over 4 billion people will head to the polls in 2024 — around half the world’s population. With the UK general and the US presidential elections taking place this year, there promises to be many twists and turns. This session will shed light on what charity investors can expect going forward as investors try to anticipate the market implications.
Rob Clarry, investment strategist, Evelyn Partners
10.55AM - 11.25AMNetworking and refreshment break
11.25AM - 12.05PM2A. Taxation Q&A
This panel of experts will answer your questions on employment, VAT and general tax issues.
Phil Salmon, co-head of VAT, Nick Bustin, director of employment tax and Louise Veragoo, not-for-profit tax director, haysmacintyre
11.25AM - 12.05PM2B. Future-proofing your charity: changing with a purpose
This session will explore topics including: change management – and involving your whole organisation in the process; managing the skills divide; preparing for ESG reporting; resourcing change in your finance team; and how the changing political landscape could impact your finance team.
Deborah Moreton, consultant, Xledger
11.25AM - 12.05PM2C. Cultivating long-term sustainability – a case study of finance and fundraising collaboration
The scale of need and opportunities for improvement are endless. To achieve the most change, greater and more sustainable income streams are needed. This session offers an insight into how collaboration between fundraising and finance can drive growth and sustainability. It will examine how the strategic case for investment in the future was developed, as well as sharing the nuts and bolts of what we do and deliver.
Lisa Kiew, director of finance and operations, and Elvira Morrison, director of fundraising and communications. Maudsley Charity
11.25AM - 12.05PM2D. Charity Investment – getting it right for youThis session will consider the updated CC14 investment guidance from the Charity Commission and how this may change the decisions and direction that charities may take in developing their investment strategy. It will consider how to go about aligning investment portfolios to the specific work and ethics of a charity. The benefits of a nimble and flexible investment strategy will be explored, as well as how to go about meeting ambitious income targets. The importance of a thorough annual review to ensure the ongoing suitability of the approach being taken will also be discussed. Lynne Lamont, head of charities, RBC Brewin Dolphin
12.10PM - 12.50PM3A. Employment tax update
The law around employment tax changes constantly, and it can be easy to miss an important development. Join this session to be brought up to date on the latest regarding national minimum wage, employment status/IR35, employee expenses and benefits, and the termination payment rules.
Caroline Jones, Employment Tax Director, and Siobhan Waters, employment tax manager, BDO
12.10PM - 12.50PM3B. Navigating strategic change with no blank cheque
As we emerge from the cost-of-living crisis and charities look to the future, how can they best think about strategy and business planning with limited financial resources? Drawing on case studies, the session will cover some of the following: navigating strategic change and transformation on a limited budget; getting the right people in the right places - establishing the right team for strategic change/transformation; forming the right partnerships; making sure your charity has a focused service offering and aligning that to different possible sources of income; and financing operational change and efficiency.
Alison Taylor, CEO, CAF Bank
12.10PM - 12.50PM3C. On the spectrum: how neurodiversity can be a valuable asset in the workplace
This session will explain how autism and other forms of neurodiversity can be a strength, and consider how organisations can make the workplace more accessible to those who are neurodiverse, particularly within the finance function.
Sarah Appleby, head of finance, Teamwork Trust
12.10PM - 12.50PM3D. Market and investment implications of a world in geopolitical flux
In a period of heightened geopolitical tensions spanning physical and ideological conflicts, as well as increasing political and economic divides, this session will aim to highlight some of the key issues and their implications for investment strategy for charity portfolios. Added to this, more than two years after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, many trustees are asking themselves about armaments and their investment policies. Are historical exclusions still relevant? Are there new technologies which are much more exposed to warfare than anticipated? Can you have an ethical defence company?
Alex Dow, investment director, Rathbones
12.50PM - 1.50PMLunch, networking and time to visit exhibition
1.50PM - 2.30PM4A. International operations
What do charities need to consider from a UK perspective when they have, or are planning, international operations? Whether setting up an overseas subsidiary, or working overseas, there are potential issues around fundraising, grants, permanent establishment, and reverse charging, among other things.
Phil Salmon, co-head of VAT and Louise Veragoo, not-forprofit tax director, haysmacintyre
1.50PM - 2.30PM4B. Beyond automation: what happens when you take digital finance transformation to the next level?
Automation is just the start of your charity’s digital finance story. Once you’ve built that foundation, the next chapter is where the more impactful transformation emerges. This session looks at what happens when finance – and the wider organisation – is empowered with real-time, predictive data insights. In an intelligence-driven entity where everyone shares responsibility for the data, you start to have different conversations and, consequently, make better decisions on everything from cost management to resource allocation and strategic investments.
Darren Cran, COO, AccountsIQ
1.50PM - 2.30PM4C. Making business planning more effective and joyful
This session will share some new principles and practice for making your charity’s business planning process more effective and more joyful. The principles were co-designed with a range of charities, based on collective experiences of the good, the bad and the ugly in existing planning processes. It will cover insights gathered about the current state of business planning in charities; why tackling business planning can be the root of greater transformational change in charities; principles for better business planning that all charities can follow to craft a more impactful approach; and a high level journey with steps to follow across a planning cycle.
Gareth Ellis-Thomas and Julie Wilson-Dodd, transformation consultants
1.50PM - 2.30PM4D. Decarbonisation, demographics and deglobalisation: The 3D reset & AI
We recognise that the global economy is in a phase of considerable transformation. As we navigate through these significant shifts, three key trends – deglobalisation, decarbonisation, and demographics, collectively referred to as the 3D reset – are shaping the global economy and influencing long-term investment opportunities. AI plays a significant role in the 3D reset – it is a critical enabler and catalyst for each of these forces, facilitating innovation, efficiency, and sustainability in various sectors. This session will explore what the 3D reset entails, its investment implications and how AI is a transformative technology that underpins these trends.
Tom Montagu-Pollock, co-head of charities, Cazenove
2.35PM - 3.15PM5A. Charity Tax Group update
This session will provide an update on the current taxation issues facing the charity sector, including consultations.
Kerry Sykes and Harriet Latham, technical advisers, Charity Tax Group
2.35PM - 3.15PM5B. Managing the risk of cloud-based digital transformation
This session will focus on identifying and mitigating potential risks associated with the adoption of cloud technologies by non-profits. It will explore strategies for project governance, data migration and customer success, with the aim of providing charity finance leaders with a roadmap for safely navigating the complexities of digital transformation, ultimately enhancing their ability to fulfil their mission in the digital age.
Sharon Keegan, Head of Business Central and Darrell Brislane, Business Development Manager, mhance
2.35PM - 3.15PM5C. Philanthropic giving
Finance advisers can grow their business by gaining clients while working with charities to help increase philanthropic giving. This session will explore how establishing adviser-charity relationships can enhance a charity’s revenue generation from (ultra)-high-net-worth-individuals ((U)HNWI). It will also look at the changing expectations of wealth holders (GEN Z, millennials, women of wealth) and the implications for advisory firms and charities and how they invest.
John Pepin, chief executive, Philanthropy Impact
2.35PM - 3.15PM5D. Assessing human-rights risks within a portfolio
This session will stress the importance of assessing human rights through company supply chains, and provide practical examples of how this can be done across a portfolio.
Michael Topley, head of sustainable portfolio management, Barclays Private Bank
3.35PM - 4.15PM6B. Demystifying the FX markets: helping charities navigate emerging market currency volatility
This session explores the main challenges charities face when navigating FX volatility, and includes a discussion around what tools are available to help them protect against emerging market currency volatility, which can erode the value of the donations and grants. It will introduce how to design bespoke hedging solutions, and also delve into how charities can navigate around the major bottlenecks that exist in effectively delivering funds locally in emerging markets.
Lucia Wagner, head of NGO & charity desk, Ebury
3.35PM - 4.15PM6C. Why we need to be a lot less financially efficient if we want to be a lot more financially resilient.
In times of financial uncertainty and vulnerability, it can be tempting to review the cost base, make efficiency savings and cut costs. Often, for entirely valid reasons, we feel under pressure to balance the budget by making reductions to our internal infrastructure. This session will explore why it’s important to resist this, what it means to be a financially resilient charity and how efficiency is the enemy of resilience.
Liz Pepler, independent consultant and founder of Embrace Finance
3.35PM - 4.15PM6D. Is your climate strategy a COP-out?
Traditional climate strategies have focused on tilting away from companies with higher-carbon emissions. But should we actually be investing more in such companies to tackle the climate challenge head on? LGIM estimates that engaging with underperforming transition companies could unlock between $175bn and $290bn of value by 2030, while reducing carbon emissions. This session will help you discover how charity investors can take real-world action to deliver on both their climate and financial goals.
Laura Brown, head of client and sustainability solutions, and Nancy Kilpatrick, head of unit trust relationships, LGIM
3.35PM - 4.15PMCancelled session
4.25PM - 5.10PMThe state we will be in? Panel session
A panel of experts and leaders will assess and discuss the state of the sector, and whether we are really operating in a new era.
Tristan Blythe, editor, Charity Finance (chair), Priya Singh, chair, NCVO, Kunle Olulode, director, Voice4Change and Fadi Itani, chief executive, Muslim Charities Forum
5.10PM - 5.15PMChair’s closing remarks, Tristan Blythe, editor, Charity Finance
5.15PM - 6.00PMNetworking reception
Testimonials from 2023
As always Charity Finance lived up to its reputation as an informative, valuable and interesting overall event – Richard Williams, Honorary Treasurers Forum
Excellent, I like to come every year. It is the one charity finance event I put in my calendar – Tom Owen, Chester Zoo
Great chance to be out of the day to day, think about good practice, think about issues and opportunities and realise that in most of the challenges I face, I am not alone!! – Sarah Noak, Street Child
The optimal one-day opportunity to hit CPD learning requirements; learn about current themes affecting the sector and network with like-minded peers – David Suckling, FareShare SW
This has proven to be quite invaluable as I have come away with some knowledge that will really benefit my charity – Jacqui Hicklin, Roses Theatre Trust
The day ran smoothly and was very informative – Lisa Byrne, Community Housing Cymru
An informative and well-run event. Lots of insights on the latest updates in charity finance – Sarah Glasspool, Surrey Wildlife Trust
The optimal one-day opportunity to hit CPD learning requirements; learn about current themes affecting the sector and network with like-minded peers – David Suckling, FareShare SW
Brilliant event. I look forward to this on a yearly basis to get the insight developing news and legislative changes to the Charity Sector. All the information in one place. So helpful and very informative – BWW Mind
Hugely enjoyable with some stimulating breakout sessions – Kevin Gunton, Julian Support Limited
Great speakers; right balance of talks and breaks; a good selection of exhibitors, excellent refreshments and met some brilliant colleagues/people in the sector! – Quakers
Really helpful, providing useful insights and takeaways – Marlini Finney, St Elizabeth Hospice
Really informative and a great opportunity to meet some my sector peers. I have come away armed with some invaluable content to help my charity - Jacqui Hicklin, Roses Theatre Trust
Always really useful with information highlighting upcoming key areas along with thought provoking topics – Caroline Williams, Lhasa Limited
The three key streams feeding to the conference were well thought through. The AI theme gave us a lot to ponder about as an organisation – Temidayo Ajakaiye, ABF The Soldiers Charity
As usual the charity finance summit was an excellent place to get updates about taxation technical developments and investment opportunities – Judith Shepherd, FSRH
Excellent event with topical content from industry experts – Jeremy Godfrey, Milton Keynes Parks Trust
Fantastic event, well organised as usual, and very informative and educative – Boston Mwense, Blesma
Very well organised, with an excellent venue and wide range of exhibitors – Mike Wiffen, Barnet Mencap
The conference allows attendees access to high quality, professional information and networking opportunities that address key financial topics – Dariel Burdass, The Physiological Society
Brilliant Conference will definitely attend in future – RABI
Good to get an update on current emerging events in the Charity world – Hestia Housing and Support
A very high-quality Charity Finance event – Priya Pillalamarri, One School Global UK
Great opportunity to catch up on current issues and network with other finance professionals in the sector – Rob Jesson, Fairways
Great ways to save!
- Be a Charity Finance subscriber: subscribers save an extra £50 off the charity early-bird rate. Subscribe today.
- Small charities: Charities with an annual income of less than £250,000 can save up to £100.00 off the ticket price
- Be an early bird! Book your place by 6 September to save £50.00 off the ticket price.
- Attend with your team! Ensure your whole team benefits from a great day's learning. With the Charity Team Ticket you can send up to four people for less than £170 each, saving your charity 40% on the booking fee.
Early bird (booking made by 6 September) |
Booking after 6 September |
1. Charity Finance subscriber rate | 249 | 299 |
2. Charity rate | 269 | 319 |
3. Team ticket (4 places) * | 669 | 789 |
4. Small charity rate (income under <1 mil) | £199 | £199 |
All prices exclude VAT.
*Limited quantity available due to restrictions in numbers at the event. Places available on first come serve, first serve.
155 Bishopsgate
For registration and speaker queries contact our event team
For media partnerships and marketing queries contact Kirsty Brown