Now in its twelth successful year, we’re delighted to announce that the Charity Technology Conference will return on 9 November 2017 and be held at the Mermaid Conference Centre in Blackfriars.

The conference is accredited by the CPD Standards Office and this activity equates to 5 hours of CPD. Delegates will be provided with a certificate of attendance, which should be kept within your CPD record, and can be used as evidence in a CPD audit by a professional institute or regulator.

09 November 2017
9.00AM - 9.30AMRegistration, refreshments and networkingRegistration, refreshments and networking
9.30AM - 9.40AMChair's welcomeTania Mason, editor, Governance & Leadership
9.40AM - 10.20AMOpening keynote - Transforming traditional organisations into digital leaders
In a sector passionately driven by delivering impact for its beneficiaries, the role and scope of technology to enhance organisational effectiveness is constantly changing. As Marie Curie approaches its seventieth anniversary, Dr Jane Collins and Steve Armstrong will focus on the assumptions surrounding technology and the cultural shifts required to deliver change at both employee and board level. They will share the progress and the pitfalls of establishing an agile digital team and embedding digital transformation, the characteristics of ‘digital’ within Marie Curie and the role of technology in an organisation where care is still very much at the core of service delivery.
Steve Armstrong, head of digital and Dr Jane Collins, chief executive, Marie Curie
10.20AM - 11.00AMPlenary - Balancing the digital demand with the human touch
How can technology innovate a 30-year programme heavily reliant on human connection and trust? Facing the challenge of expanding their Nightstop UK service to all beneficiaries, Depaul wanted to utilise a digital solution without losing the profound impact of the open & trusting relationships driving the programme. This session will chart the charity's journey, from identifying a technological solution to Nightstop’s challenges, to overcoming limited resources to make it a reality, while also changing internal and external culture to ensure Nightstop continues to provide a lifeline.
Paul Bulmer, head of propositions, KCOM and Nicola Harwood, head of Nightstop UK, Depaul UK
11.00AM - 11.25AMNetworking & refreshment break - Better Now product demo
Networking & refreshment break
Better Now will be hosting a product demo on the mezzanine
11.25AM - 11.30AMStream chair's welcome
Stream A: Digital
Mandy Johnson, incoming chief executive, Small Charities CoalitionStream B: Data & Compliance
Ivan Wainewright, data consultantStream C: Leadership
Tania Mason, editor, Governance & LeadershipStream D: Innovation
Samantha Sparrow, associate, fuse programme lead, CAST -
11.30AM - 12.10PMA1. Using social channels as a platform for more courageous storytelling
This session will look at examples from two healthcare charities using social media to give an authentic public voice to their beneficiaries. From takeover twitter accounts through to user-led blogs and vlogs, this conversation will explore the impact of courageous digital storytelling to engage donors and enhance supporter empathy, as well as considering the practical implications and how to mitigate some of the associated risks.
Eve Critchley, head of digital, Mind and Sam Billington, head of digital,
11.30AM - 12.10PMB1. CRM: A legacy from the past or essential for the future?
A good Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) solution has been the backbone back-office tool for charities over the last 20 years, and when used properly has transformed the way charities operate. But will this always be the case? In this session Rob Gethen-Smith will discuss the future role of CRM technology as a key enabler of non-profit success in a digital age.
Rob Gethen Smith, head of customer engagement, Blackbaud Europe
11.30AM - 12.10PMC1. PANEL: Is recruitment ripe for digital disruption?
Having had a game-changing impact on many industries, the influence of digital technologies on recruitment has been more subtle. But while the ability to attract and retain talent remains a major challenge for the charity sector, is now the time to consider some of the emerging opportunities? Our panel will discuss the increasing role of technology and social in what is fast-becoming a candidate-driven industry, and offer some solutions as to how charities can ensure they stay ahead of the curve in order to secure the best talent.
Panellists: Zoe Amar, digital consultant, Anu Hautalampi, digital manager, Care International UK, Girish Nair, head of engineering, Comic Relief and Stephanie Wilson, partner, head of technology & transformation, GatenbySanderson -
11.30AM - 12.10PMD1. Beyond IT: Driving value through technology
This session will serve as a reminder that in order to reveal the true potential of technology, we all need to dare to dream. With technology changing the way we interact with one another, consume information and engage with stakeholders, harnessing the right solutions is the key to any organisational strategy. Through practical examples and insight from charity case studies, Nathan Baranowski will share the challenges & solutions he has experienced in organisations moving from ‘digital despair’ to true innovation.
Nathan Baranowski, director, Ojo Solutions
12.10PM - 12.45PMA2. Case study: The practicalities of planning, developing and marketing a mobile app from scratch
Using Microsoft’s cross-platform software Xamarin and Azue, learn how the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) have embraced pioneering mobile technology to deliver immediate, evidence-based guidance for frontline healthcare. Tom Kington and Rebecca Walters will share the success of the online support tool, Paediatric Care Online (PCO) and will outline how to plan, develop & market a secure mobile app that works anywhere on any device, even without an internet connection.
Tom Kington, technical consultant, Software Solved and Rebecca Walters, business manager PCO, RCPCH
12.10PM - 12.45PMB2. Marine Conservation Society case study: Dealing with the data demand
This session will explore steps taken by a traditional organisation with limited resources to enhance its effectiveness through more efficient use of data. Kevin Brewer will explain the charity's challenges caused by managing separate data sets to serve different audiences, and the project undertaken to initiate a more integrated approach. He will share some of the lessons learned as well as the ongoing benefits, which range from a significant reduction in man hours for data processing, through to the enhanced reach and impact of their campaigning.
Kevin Brewer, data manager, Marine Conservation Society UK
12.10PM - 12.45PMC2. Asthma UK case study: Lessons in digital leadership
With 'digital transformation' remaining the biggest buzzwords in charity tech, this session will explore what that really means. In order to deliver truly effective and sustainable change, leaders must go beyond the technical requirements in order to fundamentally reshape their environment. Kay Boycott will share her personal approach and some of the key challenges faced on Asthma UK’s journey to digital. Fundamentally, she argues that the emphasis must be placed not on the technology but your people.
Kay Boycott, chief executive, Asthma UK
12.10PM - 12.45PMD2. Royal Trinity Hospice case study: Unlocking the potential of virtual reality
Virtual reality has been increasingly deployed by fundraisers looking to immerse, inspire and engage their donors, but what are the implications for beneficiaries? With its potential for medical care untapped, Royal Trinity Hospice is piloting the use of virtual reality to allow patients to achieve their 'bucket lists', offering them the opportunity to take part in experiences they may have missed. Hear from Letizia Perna-Forrest who will outline an innovative application of this technology and will discuss how other charities, even smaller ones, can emulate their initial success.
Letizia Perna-Forrest, head of patient and family support, Royal Trinity Hospice
12.45PM - 1.50PMLunch and networking breakLunch and networking break
1.50PM - 2.30PMA3. PANEL: How smart fundraising is about taking donors on a journey
Fundraising is the lifeblood of any charity. With the continued rise of new technologies offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation, our panel will examine what smart fundraising really looks like, and the technology required to deliver it. Hosted by, this interactive session will discuss the role your CRM and other digital solutions have to play in enhancing donor experiences.
Hosted by
Panellists to be announced
1.50PM - 2.30PMB3. Driving engagement: Learning from the membership model
Can charities adopt the framework of membership-based organisations to develop long-lasting relationships with their supporters? This session will explore some of the potential learnings from successful techniques and solutions being employed by membership organisations. Focusing on the importance of data management, supporter engagement and the strategic use of technology as a powerful tool in engaging your supporters, Jeremy Jalie will impart practical advice on how you could improve communications and foster more meaningful relationships
Jeremy Jalie, performance improvement leader, ASI Europe
1.50PM - 2.30PMC3. Debate: The pros and cons of the digital trustee
Is recruiting a tech-savvy board member the simple answer to staying ahead of the curve? With organisational and digital strategies increasingly merging, this session will question the role of the board to drive development and innovation while also effectively assessing risk. Join us to share your own experiences and thoughts as we debate the definition of the 'digital trustee'. What are the potential benefits and hidden risks of taking this approach to digital governance?
Jamie Ward-Smith, co-founder, & chair, Co-op Foundation and Megan Griffith Gray, NCVO -
1.50PM - 2.30PMD3. Action for Children case study: Transitioning to digital service delivery
With a large number of children’s centres being closed or reduced, Action for Children face a new challenge. How can they continue to deliver essential support to disadvantaged parents and families without the physical spaces they are accustomed to? This session will chart their journey to embrace change in the way they deliver services, adopting a user-led approach and exploring the potential of digital solutions.
Lynn Roberts, head of digital and Rachael Townley, digital services manager, Action for Children
2.30PM - 3.05PMA4. Tech matters: How small and medium charities can bridge the digital divide
The reality of the information age means digitally immature organisations risk their relevance and reach, threatening the ability to effectively deliver their mission. With under-resourced charities struggling to keep pace with the larger brands, this session will explore the work of The Good Things Foundation in enabling smaller charities to benefit from advances in technology. Helen Milner will share some inspiration from real organisations operating on a shoestring, which have been able to upskill their workforce in digital capabilities, delivering tangible results including increased revenues, impact and sustainability.
Helen Milner, chief executive, Good Things Foundation
2.30PM - 3.05PMB4. GDPR in focus: Preparing for incoming EU data regulation
The incoming GPDR regulation in May 2018 will have a big impact on charities, changing the way you store, collect and dispose of data. With less than a year before it comes into force, is your charity compliant? Join Tory Cassie and James Glover to learn what this new regulation means for your organisation and how Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) has been tailored to meet the new demands of the GDPR.
Tory Cassie, senior business development manager and James Glover, solutions architect, m-hance
2.30PM - 3.05PMC4. Investing for a digital future and changing beneficiary behaviours
It is widely recognised that the generation dubbed 'digital natives' are communicating, socialising and learning in different ways. When it comes to offering advice and support, the charity Relate has had to adapt its approach in order to respond to changing behaviours and a 24/7 demand for support, introducing new services such as live chat and webcam counselling. Chris Sherwood will relay some of the challenges to achieving organisational buy-in, justifying the investment and why he believes it is crucial to consider the long-term trajectory in order to remain relevant and protect your charity's digital legacy.
Chris Sherwood, chief executive, Relate
2.30PM - 3.05PMD4. An introduction to blockchain: what does it mean for charities?
Blockchain is increasingly dominating discussion in the technology sector, and although few charities are familiar with the technology it will almost certainly play an increasingly important role in years to come. This session will look at various ways blockchain technology will impact on charities, from the creation of social good currencies through to radical end-to-end donation transparency. Highlighting how this could influence everything from fundraising techniques to governance structures, Rhodri Davis will explore the potential opportunities as well as some of the emerging challenges.
Rhodri Davies, programme leader, giving thought, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
3.05PM - 3.30PMNetworking & refreshment breakNetworking & refreshment break
3.30PM - 4.10PMA5. How to assess and advance your organisation’s digital maturity
This session will focus on an online tool developed by Breast Cancer Care to measure their digital capability and impact against their target state. Now being used by hundreds of charities across the UK, Jo Wolfe will discuss some key findings emerging from this simple self-assessment device. Identifying the main factors driving digital maturity as well as some of the most prevalent barriers, she will reflect on the progress being made across the sector and offer practical advice for accelerating your own organisation’s digital capacity.
Jo Wolfe, assistant director of digital, Breast Cancer Care -
3.30PM - 4.10PMB5. Fraud & cybercrime: How to prepare for the unexpected
Technology can unlock fresh opportunities for organisations of any size, but with the ability to share information effortlessly and instantly comes increased risk of exposure to criminals. With recent research indicating cybercrime accounted for more than 50% of all reported crimes in the UK last year, how can you ensure your charity stays safe & secure online? Drawing on his extensive experience John Unsworth will offer practical guidance, outlining best practice for data protection, how to effectively assess cyber-risk, and how to promote cyber awareness in your organisation.
John Unsworth, chief executive, London Digital Security Centre (LDSC)
3.30PM - 4.10PMC5. Charities in 2020: Will the traditional IT team be obsolete?
Emerging technologies coupled with a new tech-savvy generation have left many traditional office functions irrelevant and outdated. With the rise of mobile and cloud-based solutions offering better agility, speed and scale, the role of the conventional IT team is rapidly changing in remit and scope. This session will explore the impact of these changes on charities of all sizes and some of the challenges, including knowing how, when and what to invest in. From developing tech-savvy executives in every department through to considering the shifting relationship between organisational departments, how might existing IT and digital teams adapt in order to effectively meet the pace of change?
Ian Williamson, IT Strategy Expert and Trustee of Charity IT Leaders
3.30PM - 4.10PMD5. Learning from digital transformation in arts and culture
In this session Chris Michaels will share some of the steps he is taking to bring real, meaningful and lasting change to the National Gallery, an institution which will be 200 years old in 2024. With the concept of digital as separate now being outdated, the cultural sector is embracing technological developments and demonstrating tangible impact across operations, reach and revenues. This session will examine the role of immersive media and other emerging technologies in disrupting preconceived notions about how the public engage with all types of organisations, as well as sharing some of the challenges faced by the National Gallery in reaching their digital ambitions.
Chris Michaels, digital director, National Gallery
4.10PM - 4.55PMPANEL: Transparency and trust - what role can new technologies play in rebuilding public trust?
Could technology hold the key to enhancing transparency and understanding, therefore helping to build trust and confidence in charities? Our panel will consider some of the emerging tools and techniques driving change across the sector, from service-delivery to charitable reporting, fundraising and communications, and their potential role in championing openness, driving best practice and ultimately turning the tide of public opinion.
Chair - Tris Lumley, director of innovation & development, New Philanthropy Capital
Panellists - Rhodri Davies, programme leader, giving thought, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), Rosie Slater-Carr, chief information officer, British Red Cross, Rebecca Sycamore, executive director of fundraising & communications, St Mungo's and Paul Vanags, head of public fundraising, Oxfam GB -
4.55PM - 5.00PMChair's closing remarksChair's closing remarks
5.00PM - 6.00PMNetworking drinks receptionNetworking drinks reception
With thanks to our conference sponsors
Headline sponsor

KCOM designs and delivers communications and integration services that connect customers to the things that matter.
We understand how crucial technology can be to what you do; whether that’s online fundraising, multi-site communications or securing the confidential data you hold.
Our customers include the RNLI, RSPB and Terrence Higgins Trust, who look to us for a single-managed-service experience, trusted solutions and ongoing support for their changing technology needs.
We pride ourselves on providing an experience that’s exceptional from start to finish. We’ll work with you, advise on and deliver the best technology available, so you can get on with what you do best.
Associate sponsors

Advanced Solutions International (ASI) is a leading global provider of software and services to associations and not-for-profits. Founded in 1991, ASI focuses on helping clients increase operational and financial performance through the use of best practices, proven solutions, and ongoing client advisement.
ASI is the provider of iMIS, a complete not-for-profit management software system that is cloud-based, mobile-ready, and PCI-validated. It includes donor management, online fundraising, email marketing, website management, and more.
By fusing database management and web publishing in a single engagement management system (EMS)™, iMIS eliminates data silos, improves reporting, and enables continuous performance improvement.

Blackbaud believes that when non-profits succeed, good takes over. We understand how the right technology is needed to help you achieve your mission, so we build great software solutions that empower you to do just that – from CRM database platforms through to cutting edge digital fundraising – and accompany it with our unrivalled expertise in helping non-profits thrive through technology.
Nearly 2,000 non-profits in the UK and Europe use a Blackbaud solution to power their passion. We’ve been doing it for 35 years, and are proud to say that globally our loyal customers raise, invest, manage and award more than £65 billion each year.

m-hance are a leading Microsoft Gold Partner and a leading supplier of Microsoft Dynamics 365 to the Not-for-Profit sector. We’ve worked with over 80 Not-for-Profit organisations including Oxfam Ireland, Amnesty International, Concern Worldwide, Solent Mind and Irish Cancer Society. Helping these charities optimise fundraising campaigns, manage their volunteers, reclaim Gift Aid and VAT and reduce costs through the Microsoft Dynamics solutions that we offer.
What’s more, because we’ve worked in this space for almost 20 years, we understand the unique obstacles and challenges that charities face, but more importantly, we also know how to help overcome them. impacts thousands of organisations and the millions of people they serve by delivering the world’s best nonprofit and educational technology solutions at affordable rates. It inspires employee giving by matching donations and driving volunteer engagement in the community. It also leverages a unique self-sustaining model to generously re-invest the revenue generated back into the community through strategic grants focused on education and workforce development.

Software Solved have been helping charities deliver services better, faster and more efficiently since 1998. Clients like Save the Children, and The Royal Society choose us because we understand the needs of their users and the challenges they face.
Technology and digital transformation offer endless benefits to charities. In an environment where regulation and scrutiny is ever increasing, the need for technology to change the way the sector works has never been greater. That’s why we introduce our clients to new technologies like Xamarin and Power BI, and we always make sure our solutions are developed with you, rather than for you.

At ojo solutions, we believe technology offers incredible opportunities to transform lives. So whether your passion is to help people, animals, plants or the planet, we can empower you to do even more inspiring, life-changing things.
We’ll help you take the next steps on your technology journey – anything from understanding how to do more with your existing tech to crafting and delivering your complete digital transformation.
We’ve spent years enabling charities to do more with technology, so know this unique sector inside out. What’s more, we provide the business, design, user experience and development expertise you need in one place.
Inspiring talks and content. Always a great conference.
A very thought provoking conference, providing some very good working examples, an array of possible solutions, and sometimes some awkward but necessary questions to take back to work and ponder over.
Really enjoyed this again this year, great speakers and intelligent questions from the audience. Good subjects and helpful vendors in the stands, and met some great people.
Really enjoyable event. I now feel encouraged and have the confidence to digitise our charity further!
Great ways to save!
- Small charities: Charities with an annual income of less than £250,000 can save up to £100.00 off the ticket price
- Be an early bird! Book your place by 29 September to save £50.00 off the ticket price.
- Attend with your team! Ensure your whole team benefits from a great day's learning. With the Charity Team Ticket you can send up to four people for less than £150 each, saving your charity 40% on the booking fee.
Early-bird prices:
Small charity (income <£250k) £199
Charity delegate £259
Charity Team Ticket (up to 4 places) £639
Non-charity delegate £699
Ticket type | Early bird (booking made by 29 September) |
Booking after 29 September |
Small charity (income <250k) |
£199 | £199 |
Charity delegate | £259 | £309 |
Charity Team Ticket (up to four places) | £639 | £769 |
Non-charity delegate | £699 | £749 |
Terms & Conditions
Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing, however, circumstances beyond the control of the organisers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such Civil Society Media Ltd reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as soon as possible.
Substitution and cancellation policy: On receipt of your booking form, your place is confirmed. Delegate substitutions are allowed. Refunds on cancellations will only be issued (less a 15% administration charge) up to and including 14 days prior to the event. Refunds will not be issued after this date. Confirmation of cancellations MUST be in writing and sent or faxed to Civil Society Media at 15 Prescott Place, London, SW4 6BS 020 7819 1200 (fax: 020 7819 1210).
Personal details: This conference is produced by Civil Society Media Ltd. By registering to attend you are agreeing to be contacted with information relating to your delegate place and future events. Please e-mail [email protected] if you do not wish to be contacted about associated products from Civil Society Media. Please e-mail [email protected] if you do not wish to receive carefully screened, work-related emails from selected third parties.