Now in its thirteenth successful year, we’re delighted to announce that the Charity Technology Conference will return in 2018 and be held at etc.venues St Paul's, a state of the art conference and exhibition centre.

The conference is accredited by the CPD Standards Office and this activity equates to 5 hours of CPD. Delegates will be provided with a certificate of attendance, which should be kept within your CPD record, and can be used as evidence in a CPD audit by a professional institute or regulator.

07 November 2018
9.00AM - 9.30AMRegistration, coffee & networkingRegistration, coffee & networking
9.30AM - 9.40AMChair's welcomeTania Mason, editor, Governance & Leadership
9.40AM - 10.20AMArtificial intelligence - the force shaping our future
It has been widely dubbed ‘the defining technology of our time’, but what really is AI and how is it changing the world as we know it? In this thought-provoking keynote speech, Daniel Hulme, a leading expert in artificial intelligence, will shed some light on the practical application of AI as well as considering some of the associated social, commercial, economic and ethical implications.
Daniel Hulme, AI entrepreneur and academic -
10.20AM - 11.00AMRSPB send in the drones: transforming conservation through drone technologyOver the past decade the use and accessibility of ‘drones’ or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has rapidly accelerated. One charity making the most of this technology is the RSPB, which has rolled out the use of drones across multiple sites, transforming the way in which aerial imagery is acquired on its reserves. The ability to take regular, high-definition aerial images has proved a low-cost and highly effective method of mapping and measuring different habitats, enabling an enhanced level of detail and the creation of 3D digital surface models. In this session, Thomas Starnes will share some of the challenges and benefits involved in making this transformation, and present some examples of the drones in action.
Thomas Starnes, geographic information systems analyst, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and Adam Williams, head of sales, KCOM
11.00AM - 11.25AMNetworking & refreshment break – BANKEX Foundation product demoNetworking & refreshment break – BANKEX Foundation product demo
11.25AM - 11.35AMChair's welcome
Stream A: Dan Hall, chief information officer, Girls’ Day School Trust and chair, Charity IT Leaders
Stream B: David McNeill, digital director, SCVO (Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations)
Stream C: Tania Mason, editor, Governance & Leadership
Stream D: Stephen Cotterill, editor, Fundraising
11.35AM - 12.10PM1A. Data management: Where do we even startBurning the midnight oil managing data within your organisation is not where any of us want to be. Yet, with the sheer volume of data being generated every second of our lives, managing this has never been more challenging. The question is, where do you even begin? Steve Georgiou
will guide you on this journey explaining the options and best practice advice, along with real-life case studies from organisations towards the end of their expedition.
Steve Georgiou, senior accout manager,
11.35AM - 12.10PM1B. Samaritans case study: Unifying digital communicationsFor many organisations, their website and social media presence act as the public face of the charity and provide key ways of engaging with supporters. In a climate of increased scrutiny and regulation, quality and consistency are more crucial than ever. Optimising and aligning your social and content strategies can be challenging, especially for confederated charities like Samaritans, which has over 200 branches nationwide all using social media. Attend this session to hear more about Mike Keating’s approach to creating content and social strategies, ensuring they actually get used, and how they support Samaritans’ journey to launch a new website platform and rebrand, all by 2019.
Mike Keating, digital communications manager, Samaritans
11.35AM - 12.10PM1C. Demystifying digital transformationAll too often organisations start down the road of digital transformation only to find that the systems they are using do not support the digital
organisation they want to be. Although it may seem simpler to compromise on the basics in order to instigate change, this approach has a tendency to result in overextended timelines on delivery and poor customer experience of the transforming organisation. Whether you are a technology expert or a senior manager engaged in digital transformation, this session will provide an insight into managing large-scale digital transformation, and shed some light on how innovative technologies can enhance the customer experience and help to bridge the funding gap.
Nathan Baranowski, director, ojo Solutions
11.35AM - 12.10PM1D. Guide Dogs case study: Shaping an innovative IT strategy for a traditional organisationMost charities, regardless of their shape or size, are struggling with similar challenges when it comes to the fast-moving realm of technology. These include; how to balance innovative projects with business as usual, how to keep moving forward in a low-risk, low-cost way, and how to create an organisational culture that supports investment in tech. In this session, we will learn more about Guide Dogs’ IT strategy, from a new approach to project management to their renewed focus on technology governance.
Ray Brooks, chief information officer and Marie Orpen, head of digital, Guide Dogs
12.10PM - 12.50PM2A. Unleashing the creative potential of technology for cultural organisations
Technology is increasingly playing a central role in the arts, culture and heritage sector. Tonya Nelson, whose experience and interest in the application of new technologies in this sector resulted in her being seconded to the department for digital, culture, media and sport (DCMS) to research and write the 2018 policy paper Culture is digital, will summarise the report’s key insights. Drawing on practical examples and charity case studies, Tonya will outline the key challenges and highlight some inspiring opportunities for leaders to take back to their own organisations.
Tonya Nelson, director of museums and cultural programmes, UCL
12.10PM - 12.50PM2B. Family Fund case study: Building beneficiaries’ digital confidenceTechnology can be a great enabler, opening up social, educational and financial opportunities for those otherwise unable to access them. But many beneficiaries from groups needing extra support can find themselves digitally excluded owing to a lack of skills and lack of consideration of that isolation in the design of support programmes. Family Fund recognised this potential disconnect and devised a digital skills training programme to provide carers and parents with the knowledge and skills to support their disabled children’s digital needs in a changing world. This session will consider the potential for technology to support disabled children’s learning and development and enhance their and their families’ wellbeing.
Alison Davies, head of service delivery and family contact
12.10PM - 12.50PM2C. A funder’s guide to getting your tech initiative off the groundWhile the power of technology to address social problems is widely recognised, funding and support for tech initiatives remains scarce.
Based on their extensive experience working with charities on funding and development, Martha Young and Sam Sparrow will share what they consider to be the secrets of successful projects and applications. They will highlight the importance of sustainability and some practical tips to
conducting constructive user research, as well as advising on common pitfalls to avoid. Whether you are seeking funding or just want to get an idea off the ground, this is the session for you.
Samantha Sparrow, operations and programmes lead, CAST and Martha Young, senior partnership manager, Tech for Good, Comic Relief
12.10PM - 12.50PM2D. Embedding a cyber security-conscious cultureCyber crime poses a serious threat to charities in possession of large quantities of extremely valuable and often sensitive personal data. The NCSC has recently issued fresh guidance to charities outlining some prevalent risks and suggesting quick and low-cost methods to avoid being left open to attack. This session will offer practical advice on how to embed a cyber security-aware culture across your entire organisation, enabling staff, volunteers and trustees to keep pace with the ever-changing realm of cyber security, and safeguarding your most sensitive data.
Speaker to be announced, National Cyber Security Centre (part of GCHQ)
12.50PM - 2.00PMLunch and networking break- PS Financials product demoLunch and networking break- PS Financials product demo
2.00PM - 2.35PM3A. Innovation spotlight: health and social care
One area seeing large-scale change due to the application of new technologies is the health and social care sector. In this session we put the spotlight on some of the innovations making a difference to people’s lives.
- StreetLink provides a tool for the public to take action when they see people sleeping rough: presented by Matt Harrison, director of social enterprise, Homeless Link
- PARO seal is a therapeutic robot being used in dementia care: presented by Dr Amanda Sharkey, associate professor, University of Sheffield
- TalkLife is the social network providing mental health support to young people, presented by Jamie Druitt, chief executive, TalkLife
Chaired by Deborah El-Sayed, director of digital, NHS England
2.00PM - 2.35PM3B. Supercharging engagement: put your communications on autopilot and your supporters in the driving seatIt is an established fact that organisations using marketing automation see significantly higher supporter engagement. While ‘marketing automation’ may sound like jargon, it is fast becoming the secret weapon of savvy charities. What’s more, once set up, it almost runs itself. Join this session to learn the essentials about email and marketing automation, including what you need to consider to get it off the ground. Keira Roth will share expertise based on real-life charity examples, imparting the necessary tools to help fine-tune your strategy and
messaging to create more meaningful and impactful campaigns.
Keira Roth, UK business development director, Engaging Networks
2.00PM - 2.35PM3C. Digital leadership in practice
Kit Collingwood Richardson is currently leading the data team for the Universal Credit Digital Service at DWP and recently co-founded OneTeam Gov, a global community of public servants and allies seeking to improve government services and reform the way they work. In this session, she will discuss what she considers to be the changing priorities for digital leaders in a society which is in a state of rapid flux. She will consider the role of new technologies in changing the way we interact and what being a networked, authentic and effective leader looks like in 2018 and beyond.
Kit Collingwood Richardson, deputy director, data: Universal Credit, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and co-founder, OneTeamGov
2.00PM - 2.35PM3D. CRM – The journey to a connected workforceIn this session, hear how Solent Mind partnered with m-hance to implement Dynamics 365 with lofty aims to simplify reporting processes, better connect its workforce and provide an improved service to clients. David Watson will share some of the outcomes of the project, from increasing staff productivity by 25
per cent, through to gaining new business and enhancing organisational reputation. Attend to learn what’s next for Solent Mind, and why charities ought to constantly reevaluate the needs of their CRM in order to tackle ongoing challenges around business processes and data management.
Tory Cassie, NFP business development, m-hance and David Watson, CRM & ICT manager, Solent Mind
2.35PM - 3.15PM4A. Partnership-working: Creating the right client-agency relationshipThis session will look in-depth at some of the challenges charities face when working with agencies, and will impart practical guidance to promote more productive partnerships. Join Darshan Sanghrajka to work through his tried and tested methodology and learn how to adopt an alternative
approach to problem-solving. From writing the initial brief and shaping the budget, as well as how to anticipate surprises along the way, you will leave better equipped to avoid common pitfalls and ensure success.
Darshan Sanghrajka, founder and chief executive,Super Being Labs
2.35PM - 3.15PM4B. RAFA case study: Setting up a CRM from scratchThe CRM journey for the Royal Air Forces Association (RAFA) has not been entirely smooth sailing, with its first attempt stalling, and the charity being forced to rethink its strategy. Attend this session to learn more about the challenges and practicalities it is facing while implementing a
system that is fit to serve an organisation with over 70,000 members across the globe. With the benefit of hindsight, RAFA are keen to share their learning and experience so far, in order to help other organisations considering implementing a new CRM.
Guy Davies, project manager, Chris Goss, trustee and Phil Sherwin, CIO, Royal Air Forces Association
2.35PM - 3.15PM4C. Digital detox workshop - Identifying how & when to unplugOur personal relationship with technology can have a significant impact on our wellbeing, resilience and energy levels. This workshop will explore the challenges associated with being constantly connected. How can we ensure we utilise technology wisely and productively, getting the balance right in order
to avoid potential stress and burnout?
Hannah Massarella, founder, Bird
2.35PM - 3.15PM4D. Shelter UK case study: Using digital storytelling to drive donationsIn its latest media campaign Shelter embedded camcorders with homeless children and their families, allowing them to bring to life beneficiaries’ stories hrough incredibly intimate and moving film footage. When strategically timed to coincide with a digital fundraising campaign the team were also
able to exceed fundraising targets. This case study demonstates how the use of technology does not always have to be flashy or expensive in order to be effective, and outlines some of the steps involved to launching truly collaborative digital campaigns.
Stephanie Borne, head of digital fundraising and Alice Klein, head of media, Shelter UK
3.15PM - 3.40PMNetworking and refreshment breakNetworking and refreshment break
3.40PM - 4.25PMPanel: Balancing ethics and progressWe are living through unprecedented acceleration in the application of new technologies to solve social problems. On the one hand, we must welcome innovation and its benefits, but on the other, there is a growing awareness of the potential downsides of technology. No matter what happens, charities must always remain committed to defending equality, human dignity and inclusiveness. In this session, our panel will debate some of the ethics surrounding developments in data-caputre, AI and new-generation robotics. As technology leaders and advocates, how can we find a way to navigate the ethics in order to make the most of these new technologies?
Chair - Chris Sherwood, incoming chief executive, RSPCA
Panellists - Katy Cook, cyberpsychologist and founder, Centre for Technology Awareness, Rhodri Davies, head of policy, Charities Aid Foundation, Deborah El-Sayed, director of digital, NHS England and trustee, British Red Cross and Dr Amanda Sharkey, associate professor, University of Sheffield
4.25PM - 4.55PMMobilising one billion people to take action for our planetTechnology is the single most powerful weapon in WWF International’s armoury. The charity’s ambitious new strategy aims to mobilise one billion people to help bend the curve of nature loss by 2020, with the far-reaching influence of new technologies playing a pivotal role. In an uplifting talk to end the day, Alice More O’Ferrall will share some inspiring examples of their tactics, from social media to streamed TV, and partnerships to peer pressure.
Alice More O’Ferrall, digital engagement manager, WWF International
4.55PM - 5.00PMChair's closing remarksTania Mason, editor, Governance & Leadershi
5.00PM - 6.00PMNetworking drinks receptionNetworking drinks reception
David McNeill
David leads SCVO’s ambitious digital strategy for Scotland’s third sector. This includes work to tackle inequality by increasing digital participation and basic digital skills; maximise the impact of the third sector by encouraging digital transformation and evolution; and support digital innovation to improve lives and communities.
Before joining SCVO David was Depute Chief Executive at Young Scot, where he led the development of services provided through the Young Scot National Entitlement Card. David is currently a Trustee of the Digital Xtra Fund, the Voluntary Action Fund and Recharge, an East Lothian youth work charity.
Dr. J Kathryn Cook
Katy is the founder of the Centre for Technology Awareness, a non-profit organisation that aims to raise awareness about the human and social impacts of technology. Her most recent research looks at the values and psychology of the tech industry and will be published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2019. Katy has a PhD and MA from UCL and an MA in Psychology from California.
Alison Davies
Alison Davies has been with Family Fund for three years and is Head of Service Delivery and Family Contact. Alison’s background is in commissioning for public care initially through co-financing ESF with the Learning and Skills Council and then as a Local Authority Commissioning Manager for Children’s Services. Alison has been responsible for the development and delivery for Family Fund services outside of its traditional grant-making, since 2015 and has seen the demand for support grow dramatically in this time. Family Fund prides itself on listening to what families say and working out where it might be best place to help. Alison really embraces this approach and believes in starting small and growing as you learn more about what works. This has been the ethos for the Digital Skills Programme and as such has seen some fantastic outcomes.
Jenny Laycock
Jenny Laycock is Digital Delivery Manager at Family Fund and has been leading on the charity’s Digital Skills Programme from its inception in late 2015. Jenny has a background in education and digital project management, with previous positions with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Tribal Education. Her current role, helping families raising disabled children to use tablet computers, has been especially rewarding, and Family Fund’s programme has now supported over 700 people to use tablet computers through face-to-face training. Find out more about Family Fund’s Digital Skills Programme at
Thomas Starnes
Thomas Starnes is a Geographic Information Systems Analyst with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. With a background in ecology and conservation, he specialises in the application of spatial technology and analytical methods to address conservation problems. Thomas has been a key team member in progressing the RSPB’s use of drone technology for conservation gains
Chris Goss
After a 32 year career in the RAF and three years working for a civilian company as its Head of Operations, he is now a full time published aviation author and military historian as well as an elected trustee of the Royal Air Forces Association (RAFA). He has been involved with RAFA from 1986 and two years ago was elected as a trustee. He was re-elected in May this year for another three years. He sits on RAFA's Information Environment Committee as well as a number of other committees.
Jason Oliver
Jason Oliver, Director of ICT at the Science Museum Group, has delivered an impressive technology transformation which has reimagined the way that its five national museums engage with their audiences and meet the Groups' remit of inspiring people and enriching their lives.
He began his career at Sky and the Home Office, before leading an Urban Development Corporation as Chief Information Officer. Here he built an award-winning ICT department before joining Royal Opera House, where he successfully delivered the biggest digital modernisation programme in the history of the organisation. In 2017 and 2018, Jason was selected in CIO UK's CIO100, being celebrated as one of the most transformative and disruptive technology executives in the UK.
Jason is also a Fellow of the BCS, an Independent Member on Thurrock Borough Council's Standards & Audit Committee and a Primary School Governor. -
Steve Georgiou
Steve Georgiou is a Senior Account Manager at Xpedition specialising in helping Not for Profit organisations with business transformation projects. Steve has spent 12 years in this role and has helped organisations such as Prince's Trust, Friends of the Earth and National Theatre with their projects. Before this, Steve was a Management Accountant and therefore has good knowledge of financial processes and management of data across multiple sources. Outside of work, Steve's passion is very much sports coaching as a volunteer for children between the ages of 3-11 and has been doing this for over 20 years now. Steve can be contacted at [email protected]
Alice More O' Ferrall
As Digital Engagement Manager for WWF International, Alice is responsible for ensuring that WWF supporters share, love and engage with digital comms to inspire them to take real world action for our planet. Working on all things digital from social to chat bots, external partnerships, UX and more, Alice also speaks at conferences on how WWF approaches social and digital engagement.
Amanda Sharkey
Amanda Sharkey is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, a member of Sheffield Robotics, and on the executive board of the Foundation for Responsible Robotics. She comes from an interdisciplinary background. After a first degree in Psychology, she held a variety of research positions at University of Exeter, MRC Cognitive Development Unit, and Yale and then Stanford, USA. She completed her PhD in Psycholinguistics in 1989 at University of Essex. Since then she conducted research in neural computing at University of Exeter, before moving to University of Sheffield. Her current research interests are in robot ethics, particularly the ethics of robot care, and human-robot interaction. Amanda has over 100 publications. She was a founding member of the scientific committee for an international series of workshops on Multiple Classifier Systems, was the editor of the journal Connection Science (now associate editor) and is a member of IET.
Michael Keating
Mike Keating has been Digital Communications Manager at Samaritans since October 2014, where he leads on Samaritans’ social, web, search marketing and email marketing channels, as well as supporting the organisation’s digital transformation programme.
Since being in post, he’s helped to integrate digital into most of Samaritans’ campaigns, and has grown the remit of the team to also include video production, digital development and digital training. He also supports Samaritans’ policy and safety work with online partners such as Twitter, Google and Facebook and government.
Nathan Baranowski
Nathan is a company director and the head of the technology change practice. A strong strategic leader with over 15 years’ experience in business improvement and delivering complex transformational change and pioneering in driving technology adoption in the health arena. Nathan has worked for a number organisations across the public and private sector.
This conference is always informative, engaging and inspiring
James Driscoll, Butterfly Conservation
A great day, packed with relevant information
Jackie Stewart, Save the Children
After today’s visit to the conference, I’ve never felt so motivated or excited to work in digital!
Lydia Willetts, Compton Hospice
This is always a worthwhile event. Some good thinking and planning for keynotes & breakouts. Invaluable!
Christopher O’Mahony, Harrow School
First time here, excellent conference. See you next year! Thank you
Ben Coppard, Pancreatic Cancer UK
Really insightful and lots of content
Becci Price, War Child
An excellent day with peers
Nathan Bacon, Action Against Medical Accidents
Excellent conference, really useful
Tracy Dorman, International Glaucoma Association
Big choice of relevant sessions and subjects
Catherine Bradley, Historic Royal Palaces
Thought provoking content that tackles the current issues of today
Mandy Johnson, Small Charities Coalition
Great venue, great content, great delivery
Rory Gaffney, Downs Syndrome Scotland
Good content, inspiring speaker and case studies
Dhairya Patel, ABF The Soldiers’ Charity
Very interesting and thought provoking
Matt Gorle, Marine Conservation Society
Useful day and opportunity to network with likeminded peers
Phil Sherwin, Royal Air Forces Association
Very useful and helped me guide my thoughts and strategies
Adam James, Scottish Chamber Orchestra
Very inspiring well organised event and informative sessions
Angelika Fijalkowska, Future Processing
Very inspiring, thought provoking and has given me things to go back and share with colleagues
Sarah Burden, Devon Air Ambulance Trust
Kevin Brewer, Marine Conservation Society
Informative and inspiring
Grace Fisher, Historic Royal Palaces
This has been a really instructive event. I actually found out a few things that I hope will help me in progressing some of the projects I am working on
Herve Sumu, CABA (Chartered Accountants’ Benevolent Association)
Lots of food for thought!
Alice Marcolin, English UK
Good event. Lots to do
Paul Harrison, Unseen UK
Great speakers, lots of options for the breakout sessions
Matthew Lynch, Royal British Legion
Good use of my time
Andrew Hatton, Greenpeace UK
Good choice of speakers and topics
David Loxton, Spinal Injuries Association
Excellent overview of the pressing issues regarding technology at the moment
Nigel Oanea-Cram, Emmaus South Wales
Inspirational speakers, particularly the keynote speakers. Really helpful and informative. Thank you
Gillian Clyde-Smith, Turn2Us
An opportunity to gain knowledge and contacts in technology themes affecting charities and to gain insight into the experiences of other charitable organisations
Lucy Garrett, RSPB
Everything I could have hoped for and more
Louise Easterbrook, Solchar
Great to hear about so many innovative projects
Alison Mohammed, Shelter
Useful insight into what’s happening in the sector
Richard Collings, Information Systems Consultants
Grand event covering a large breadth of topics relevant to charities
Jeev Sahoo, Three Cs Support
Very good networking and gain knowledge of different charities
Mariah George, ASSIST Trauma Care
Great, a useful event for the sector to share learnings and opportunities
Kate Milenkovic, Plan International UK
Very useful
Ian Teague, Woodland Trust
With thanks to our conference sponsors
Headline sponsor

KCOM designs and delivers communications and integration services that connect customers to the things that matter.
We understand how crucial technology can be to what you do; whether that’s online fundraising, multi-site communications or securing the confidential data you hold.
Our customers include the RNLI, RSPB and Terrence Higgins Trust, who look to us for a single-managed-service experience, trusted solutions and ongoing support for their changing technology needs.
We pride ourselves on providing an experience that’s exceptional from start to finish. We’ll work with you, advise on and deliver the best technology available, so you can get on with what you do best.
Associate sponsors

m-hance are a leading Microsoft Gold Partner and a leading supplier of Microsoft Dynamics 365 to the Not-for-Profit sector. We’ve worked with over 80 Not-for-Profit organisations including Oxfam Ireland, Amnesty International, Concern Worldwide, Solent Mind and Irish Cancer Society. Helping these charities optimise fundraising campaigns, manage their volunteers, reclaim Gift Aid and VAT and reduce costs through the Microsoft Dynamics solutions that we offer.
What’s more, because we’ve worked in this space for almost 20 years, we understand the unique obstacles and challenges that charities face, but more importantly, we also know how to help overcome them.

At ojo solutions, we believe technology offers incredible opportunities to transform lives. So whether your passion is to help people, animals, plants or the planet, we can empower you to do even more inspiring, life-changing things.
We’ll help you take the next steps on your technology journey – anything from understanding how to do more with your existing tech to crafting and delivering your complete digital transformation.
We’ve spent years enabling charities to do more with technology, so know this unique sector inside out. What’s more, we provide the business, design, user experience and development expertise you need in one place.
Great ways to save!
- Small charities: Charities with an annual income of less than £250,000 can save up to £100.00 off the ticket price
- Be an early bird! Book your place by 28 September to save £50.00 off the ticket price.
- Attend with your team! Ensure your whole team benefits from a great day's learning. With the Charity Team Ticket you can send up to four people for less than £150 each, saving your charity 40% on the booking fee.
Ticket type | Early bird (booking made by 28 September) |
Booking after 28 September |
Small charity (income <250k) |
£199 | £199 |
Charity delegate | £259 | £309 |
Charity Team Ticket (up to four places) | £639 | £769 |
Non-charity delegate | £749 | £799 |
St. Paul’s
Terms & Conditions
Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing, however, circumstances beyond the control of the organisers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such Civil Society Media Ltd reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as soon as possible.
Substitution and cancellation policy: On receipt of your booking form, your place is confirmed. Delegate substitutions are allowed. Refunds on cancellations will only be issued (less a 15% administration charge) up to and including 14 days prior to the event. Refunds will not be issued after this date. Confirmation of cancellations MUST be in writing and sent or faxed to Civil Society Media at 15 Prescott Place, London, SW4 6BS 020 7819 1200 (fax: 020 7819 1210).