This timely, half-day seminar will provide an outstanding opportunity to hear practical tips on how to drive digital transformation within budget. Speakers will explore how data can be used effectively to spearhead change and facilitate accountability. The significance of engaging stakeholders from every level throughout the process will also be addressed.
This event is for charities only. This event has limited capacity, register your interest using the link on the right-hand side and a member of our team will confirm your place within 1 week.
08 October 2019
9.00AM - 9.25AMMorning coffee and networkingMorning coffee and networking
9.25AM - 9.30AMWelcome addressChair: Tania Mason, editor, Governance & Leadership
9.30AM - 10.00AMTransforming your organisational culture
In this session Martin will discuss how to deliver digital transformation to create an efficient and effective organisation. It’s pivotal to ensure that decision-makers and stakeholders are engaged with and invested in the process of digital transformation. Martin will also demonstrate how an organisation’s culture is key to decision-making, prioritising, budgeting and implementing an effective digital transformation.
Martin Francis Campbell, chief information officer, World Vision
10.00AM - 10.30AMUnderstanding the role technology plays in driving accountabilityExamining the role of digital maturity and leadership in driving accountability and accelerating change. In this
session, Nathan will share insight and practical tips through case studies on how to drive digital transformation
within your charity and use data effectively to facilitate change and develop a digitally mature and open culture at
all levels of the organisation.
Nathan Baranowski, founder and director, OJO Solutions -
10.30AM - 10.55AMNetworking and refreshment breakNetworking and refreshment break
10.55AM - 11.25AMCulturally aligning IT with the part of the organisation that they serve
Because IT has traditionally reported to finance, many IT departments have become culturally aligned with finance. IT teams focus on compliance, avoiding spend, minimising risk. It is essential that IT transforms and becomes culturally aligned with the parts of the organisation they serve.
Ian Williamson, better projects lead, Science Museum
11.25AM - 11.50AMQ&A with speakersQ&A with speakers
11.50AM - 12.00PMChair's closing remarksTania Mason, editor, Governance & Leadership
About Charity Finance Week
Charity Finance Week is back and this year's overarching theme will be Accounts and Accountability.
Following a successful launch last year, we will be returning to celebrate excellence in charity finance practice through a dedicated week of events, content and thought leadership initiatives.
Starting with a reception at the Houses of Parliament and culminating at the Charity Finance Summit, we will be working with charities, academic institutions and key professional service providers to debate and tackle the biggest issues head on.
About OJO Solutions

For sponsorship and exhibition queries contact Yvette Micallef
For registration queries contact Carys Pugh
For media partnerships and marketing queries contact Kirsty Brown