In an era of increasing concern regarding liabilities, litigation, regulatory compliance and reputational risk, charities are coming under greater scrutiny than ever. Boardroom competency in identifying, managing and mitigating risk is now a required skill and trustees must be able to scrutinise their executive and professional advisors’ management of risk, as well as being able to apply the same tools and techniques to their own decision making.
This course is a non-technical introduction to risk and risk management designed to enable trustees to understand and manage risk generally, but with a focus on risks related to governance, employment, assets, service users and third parties. By the end of the day you will be better equipped to interact effectively with professional advisors and regulators, hold your executive to account, improve your own decision making and govern your organisation’s risk management activities.

28 September 2017
9.30AM - 10.00AMRegistration and coffeeRegistration and coffee
10.00AM - 10.15AMIntroductionsIntroductions
10.15AM - 11.15AMIntroduction to Risk and Risk Management
- Risk, what is it?
- Risk management, how do we do it?
- Definitions, models and concepts, tools and techniques, tactical and strategic mitigations
11.15AM - 11.30AMCoffee breakCoffee and networking break
11.30AM - 1.00PMThe Human Factor and Applied Risk Management
The Human Factor:
- Why do we have to do risk management?
- The psychology of risk taking and decision making with case studies and worked examples
Applied Risk Management:
- Specific tools and techniques for building resilience and keeping your organisation safe before and after an adverse event
1.00PM - 1.45PMLunchLunch and networking break
1.45PM - 3.00PMWorkshopOpportunity to apply the morning's learning to a scenario based decision making process
3.00PM - 3.15PMCoffee and networking breakCoffee and networking break
3.15PM - 4.00PMGovernance Risks and Trusteeship
- The Trustee's role in risk management
- Compliance risk management and specific risks related to employment, assets, service users and third parties
4.00PM - 4.30PMWrap upMatters arising during the day, next steps, "homework", questions and answers.
To download the presentations from the day, click here.
Presentations available for delegates only. You will need a password to access these files. If you attended this course and have not received your password, click here.
I now feel more confident that my charity is functioning well and have taken dozens of tips and ideas away for doing even better
An extremely useful course with excellent materials
Every trustee should attend one of these courses if they are to do their job properly
Governance & Leadership subscriber - £195
Standard rate - £235
Non-charity Governance & Leadership subscriber- £300
Non-charity delegate- £400
For group bookings email [email protected] or call 020 7819 1208