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Charity Finance Summit 2016

18 October 2016 London

We're delighted to announce that the 2016 Charity Finance Summit will take place on Tuesday 18 October at 155 Bishopgate, London.

Designed to ensure your finance function is fit for the future, this one-day conference will open with an interactive session exploring the current state of the sector from the minister for civil society. It will go on to explore topical issues such as cultivating a risk-intelligent culture and strengthening financial governance, while also offering a comprehensive round-up of the latest developments in gift aid, charity taxation and investment strategies. 

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The conference is accredited by the CPD Standards Office and this activity equates to 5 hours of CPD. Delegates will be provided with a certificate of attendance, which should be kept within your CPD record, and can be used as evidence in a CPD audit by a professional institute or regulator. 

Download the brochure and booking form



18 October 2016

  • 8.45AM - 9.20AM
    Refreshments available and time to visit the exhibition. 
  • 9.20AM - 9.25AM
    Chair's welcome

    Andrew Hind, editor of Charity Finance, introduces the day.

  • 9.25AM - 10.00AM
    Opening keynote: State of the sector and interactive Q & A with Rob Wilson
    Rob Wilson, minister of civil society, opens the day
  • 10.00AM - 10.05AM
    Stream chairs' welcome

    The day is divided into four streams each chaired by an expert in the field who will open the breakout sessions with a short introduction. 

    Stream A: VAT & Tax Fundementals - Gareth Jones, editor, Charity Finance 

    Stream B: VAT & Tax Focused - David Ainsworth, deputy editor, Charity Finance

    Stream C: Strategy & Risk - Petra Ingram, chief executive, The Brook

    Stream D: Investment - Anrew Hind, non-executive director, Civil Society Media

  • 10.05AM - 10.45AM
    1A. Round-up of latest developments and topical issues on gift aid and tax

    This session includes an update on the following: GASDS, HMRC enquiries, and recent developments around trading subsidiaries and gift aid donation exceeding distributable reserves.

    Mark McGarry, direct tax partner, Saffery Champness

  • 10.05AM - 10.45AM
    1B. Strategic VAT Planning – reaping the rewards

    This practical session will explore the interaction between the VAT liability of income streams and the ability to deduct VAT incurred on expenditure.

    Luigi Lungarella, director - indirect tax, PKF

  • 10.05AM - 10.45AM
    1C. Case study on the impact and finance as drivers of organisational change

    This session will explore how the National Autistic Society is using theory-of-change methodology to prepare for the future.

    Mark Lever, chief executive, National Autistic Society

  • 10.05AM - 10.45AM
    1D. Absolute or relative return investing?

    This session will define absolute and relative return, consider the main features of the two approaches, and review the factors to be considered when deciding which approach to adopt.

    Andrew Pitt, head of charities, Rathbones

  • 10.45AM - 11.15AM
    Refreshment break
    Opportunity for refreshments, networking and to time to explore the exhibition stands
  • 11.15AM - 11.55AM
    2A. Case law and recent developments
    This session will review recent tribunal and court decisions that affect the charity sector. The session will also consider any changes of interpretation to published VAT guidance, together with an update on any areas of VAT that HMRC are currently focusing their attention on
  • 11.15AM - 11.55AM
    2B. Property taxes- when can they arise and who pays them?

    Louise Veragoo will cover some of the tax issues, relevant to charities, which may arise in a property transaction. Pitfalls, opportunities, tax charges and reliefs will be covered in this session.

    Louise Veragoo, NFP tax director, haysmacintyre

  • 11.15AM - 11.55AM
    2C. Financial governance: Communicating effectively with the board

    This session will explore how finance leaders can help the numbers come to life for finance and nonfinance trustees to ensure that financial performance is central to the organisation’s strategy 

    Kevin Barnes, congregational chief executive, Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth Generalate and treasurer, CFG

  • 11.15AM - 11.55AM
    2D. What is your attitude to risk?

    This session explores what investment managers mean by risk, considers the need for portfolio stress testing, and examines how your attitude to risk can be expressed in a meaningful way.

    George Lagarias, senior investment analyst, Mazars

  • 12.00PM - 12.40PM
    3A. VAT & tax on trading & trading subsidiaries

    Using a worked example, this session will consider what constitutes trading, the exemptions for direct tax, and some of the grey areas. It will also cover key considerations regarding the use of a trading subsidiary, financing a subsidiary and issues with distributable reserves.

    Peter Bright, VAT director and Luke Savvas, charity and business tax partner, Buzzacott

  • 12.00PM - 12.40PM
    3B. Grants versus contracts

    Geraint will look to provide some clear and practical advice on how to deal with this complex issue, and how best to approach relationships with supporters to obtain the
    desired VAT treatment.

    Geraint Lewis, partner, Kingston Smith

  • 12.00PM - 12.40PM
    3C. Cultivating a risk-intelligent culture

    For charities and trustee boards under pressure to balance innovation with risk-taking, this session will consider how to establish and develop an effective risk culture in order to provide both stability and competitive advantage.

    Jonathan Orchard and Kate Sayer, partners, Sayer Vincent

  • 12.00PM - 12.40PM
    3D. Thematic investing: Are property benchmarks obsolete?
    Given the pace of change, we question whether benchmarks comprised of properties that may be obsolete in this “new world” are the best measure of performance.
  • 12.40PM - 1.50PM
    Opportunity for networking and to visit the exhibition.
  • 1.50PM - 2.30PM
    4A. Gift Aid de-mystified

    This session will look at some of the more complex areas of gift aid including donor benefits, admissions, auctions and membership subscriptions and will explore the opportunities and pitfalls that charities need to be aware of.

    Sarah Kelsey, senior manager - corporate tax, PKF


  • 1.50PM - 2.30PM
    4B. Maximising VAT recovery and understanding charity VAT reliefs

    The session will provide you with practical tips, focusing in particular on when charities can claim relief from VAT on their costs and how interacting with HMRC works in terms of negotiating recovery agreements.

    Alison Hone, director - charity VAT, Saffery Champness

  • 1.50PM - 2.30PM
    4C. DB pension schemes: Tackling the legal challenges
    This session will explore the steps you can take to manage this risk and deal with the associated legislative restrictions. 

    Clare Grice, partner, Mills & Reeve
  • 1.50PM - 2.30PM
    4D. Equities, fixed income or alternatives - where should charities invest right now?

    With cash yielding close to zero, equities values rising faster than earnings, bond yields near the floor and many alternative investments failing to perform, this session will explore some of the options available to charities with investable assets.

    Larry Hatheway, group chief economist, GAM

  • 2.35PM - 3.15PM
    5A. Printing & VAT on direct mail
    Adrian will review recent developments in this fast-moving area, and comment on
    the latest thinking on how to minimise VAT costs.

    Adrian Houstoun, partner, Kingston Smith
  • 2.35PM - 3.15PM
    5B. Tax-efficient giving
    This session will discuss recent developments in gift aid and explore some of
    the other forms of tax-efficient giving, such as gifts of shares/securities and property, legacies, business gifts and how charities could benefit from social investment tax relief.

    Jon Daley, tax manager, Buzzacott
  • 2.35PM - 3.15PM
    5C. The new SORPs – what worked for you and what needs changing?
    With the implementation of the new SORPs fresh in everyone’s mind, the SORP-making body is seeking your views on what works, what doesn’t and the changes you want to see. 

    Facilitated by - Nigel Davies, deputy head of accountancy policy, Charity Commission and joint chair, Charities SORP committee
  • 2.35PM - 3.15PM
    5D. What do we mean by quality? The power of high-quality global equities in long-term portfolios
    In today’s low- growth environment, identifying  companies with strong cashflows, resilient business models and a policy of returning cash to shareholders can be the key to delivering the sustainable income and growth often required by charities.

    Andrew Wheatley Hubbard, director, global equity portfolio manager, BlackRock
  • 3.15PM - 3.40PM
    Networking and refreshment break
  • 3.40PM - 4.20PM
    6A. The changing face of employment taxes

    Nick Bustin will be looking at recent developments in respect of employee expenses and benefits, employment tax status as well as the apprenticeship levy which will come into effect from April 2017.

    Nick Bustin, director of employment tax, haysmacintyre

  • 3.40PM - 4.20PM
    6B. VAT on fundraising and challenge events
    While there is an exemption available for income generated from fundraising events, it only applies if specific conditions are met. This session will review these conditions and in addition, will also look at challenge events, where different rules apply.

    Socrates Socratous, director, SOC VAT Consultants
  • 3.40PM - 4.20PM
    6C. Strategy & risk: A perfect marriage
    Hear how by putting risk management centre-stage with strategy, leading health and research organisations have changed the way they work for the better.

    Dr Charmaine Griffiths, chief operating officer and Paul Norris, director of finance, the Institute of Cancer Research
  • 3.40PM - 4.20PM
    6D. Investing for tomorrow, today
    In this session we will explore the long-term trends that are changing the investment landscape and creating significant growth opportunities.

    Peter Michaelis, head of equities, Alliance Trust
  • 4.30PM - 4.55PM
    Closing Keynote: Financial leadership - whose job is it anyway?
    This session will consider the role of the finance director in coaching the chief executive to ensure that strategic financial leadership permeates the entire organisation.

    Simon Hopkins, chief executive, Turn2Us
  • 4.55PM - 5.00PM
    Chair's closing remarks
    Gareth Jones, editor, Charity Finance 
  • 5.00PM - 6.00PM
    Drinks reception

    Continue discussing the issues raised throughout the day over drinks and nibbles. 

    Sponsored by Goodman Jones




  • Rob Wilson

    Minister for civil society

    Rob Wilson became minister for civil society in September 2014. Before entering politics he was an entrepreneur and built several small businesses. He began his political career as a local Conservative councillor in Reading and was elected as MP for Reading East in 2005. He served on the Education Select Committee until 2007 when he was appointed shadow minister for higher education. Following David Cameron’s reshuffle in January 2009, he became a whip with responsibility for transport and health. Wilson was appointed as parliamentary private secretary (PPS) to Jeremy Hunt, then-Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport and in 2012, moved to the Department for Health under Jeremy Hunt. From October 2013 to July 2014 Wilson was parliamentary private secretary to George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, at the Treasury. The minister for civil society role is his first ministerial post.

  • Simon Hopkins

    Finance director

    Simon Hopkins has been CEO of anti-poverty charity Turn2us since 2014. Prior to this he spent 30 years in senior finance and commercial roles in industry, public sector and the voluntary sector. His career has been an eclectic mix of sectors, ranging from commercial television to central government and has covered a range of roles from mainstream finance to related areas like contract compliance, business
    development and financial training. Simon writes and speaks regularly on subjects such as financial leadership and the importance of sustainability and he is an unashamed advocate of finance shedding the “back office” stereotype in favour of a more strategic role in the sector.

    In his current role he attends board of trustee and council meetings and is also chair of the pension fund with the BHF. Simon has a law degree from Corpus Christi College, Oxford and is married with two sons.


With thanks to our exhibitors
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      Alliance Trust Investments






    BD Charities IM logo.jpg






    CCLA 2016










GAM 2016


    Haysmacintyre 2016






    M&G 2016




Metro Bank resized 2016


    Nationwide 2016




























Willis Towers Watson 2016








Sean Trend

Cancer Research UK

What I liked was how the combination of technical gritty accounting and tax topics was harmoniously combined with strategic topics and the 'bigger picture'

D Markley

Shooting Star Chase

The essential conference for charity finance professionals. The one event that should not be missed

Richard Bray

Finance regulatory tax manager

Cancer Research UK

An event that lets you know what’s new, reminds you about what you should know and lets you share your experience with those in the same position as you



Great ways to save!

  1. Small charities: Charities with an annual income of less than £250,000 can save up to £100.00 off the ticket price
  2. Be an early bird! Book your place by 2 September to save £50.00 off the ticket price.
  3. Attend with your board! Additional charity delegates benefit from an extra £100.00 discount or save even more with a Charity team ticket. Take advantage of these offers to ensure your whole board benefits from a great day's learning. 
Ticket type Early bird
(booking made by 30 September)
Booking after 30
Small charity
(income <250k)
£199 £199
Charity delegate £259 £309
Charity Team Ticket (up to four places) £639 £769
Non-charity delegate £749 £799



For sponsorship and exhibition queries contact Yvette Micallef

For speaker queries contact Jenni Cahill

For registration queries contact Chloe Vezey

For media partnerships and marketing queries contact Jonathan Harvey


155 Bishopsgate
Liverpool street

Location map and further information