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Find solutions to shared charity governance issues at this essential one-day conference for chairs, chief executives and trustees.
Returning for its eleventh successful year, in 2018, Trustee Exchange will take place at the Royal Garden Hotel on 26 April. The ethos of this essential one-day conference remains the same. Trustee Exchange has always been produced by trustees, for the benefit of trustees.

26 April 2018
8.45AM - 9.20AMRegistration, refreshments & networkingRegistration, refreshments & networking
9.20AM - 9.30AMChair's welcomeTania Mason, editor, Governance & Leadership
9.30AM - 9.45AMOpening Address: Tracey Crouch MPTracey Crouch MP, minister for civil society, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
9.45AM - 10.15AMPlenary: Making boardrooms places of harmony & collaborationIn this inspiring yet practical opening keynote, Nada Kakabadse will share key insights from her co-published report into boardroom dynamics. She will outline the findings on what factors contribute to good governance, offer tips on how to capitalise on ‘constructive tension’ and demonstrate that conflict is not only inevitable, but plays an essential part in building the most effective boards.
Nada Kakabadse, professor of policy, governance and ethics, Henley Business School
10.15AM - 11.00AMPanel discussion: The diversity deficit – what can charity boards learn from progress outside the sector?
As a sector we champion diversity, and yet fail to demonstrate this in practice with many boards and leadership teams remaining largely comprised of older white men. In this lively panel discussion, experts from business, government and the health service will share their tips and techniques for improving diversity at the highest levels of organisations – including some surprisingly easy wins.
Chair: Ken Olisa, chair, Shaw Trust and deputy chair, Institute of Directors
Panellists: Mark Lomas, head of equality, diversity and inclusion, HS2; Melanie Dawes, civil service gender champion; Paul Deemer, head of diversity and inclusion, NHS Employers and Rachel Osikoya, head of diversity and inclusion, Maersk Group -
11.00AM - 11.30AMNetworking and refreshment breakNetworking and refreshment break
11.30AM - 12.15PM1A. GDPR: Demonstrating effective data governanceThis session will serve as an essential update for any trustee with questions or concerns around the incoming GDPR Regulation. Attend this interactive session and bring any questions you may have for Ardi Kolah LL.M., who will cut through the fog of confusion and provide a clear view as to how your organisation can comply with the new data legislation, as well as create a framework that will unlock the opportunities for building deeper digital trust.
Ardi Kolah LL.M., executive fellow & director, GDPR Transition Programme, Henley Business School
11.30AM - 12.15PM1B. Unitary boards: The new model for governance?In April 2017, the board of rights charity The Advocacy Project voted to change its constitution to allow its chief executive to become a trustee and to pay its service-user trustees for their board role. A year on, Judith Davey and Kate Ferguson will share learnings from their journey while Michael Hagan and Adam Antonio will offer insights into the unique perspective that they bring to the board as service-user trustees.
Judith Davey, chief executive officer, Kate Ferguson, chair, Michael Hagan, trustee and Adam Antonio, trustee, The Advocacy Project
11.30AM - 12.15PM1C. Financial literacy: AdvancedThe board is collectively responsible for the charity’s finances – the tasks involved go well beyond reading regular management
accounts and signing off your annual report. What do you need in place to have effective financial management and governance? What key questions should trustees be asking? This session will consider these questions as well as addressing the impact on financial governance of the new Charity Governance Code.
Judith Miller, partner, Sayer Vincent
11.30AM - 12.15PM1D. Personality matters: Building better teamsThis session will explore the interplay between different personality types and interpersonal styles in order to build boards and senior teams that are more compatible. Drawing on her extensive experience as HR director across various organisations, Helen Giles will outline why the best and most effective teams are those who have managed to successfully incorporate diverse individual personalities. She will offer insights into how different types of people can work together more harmoniously, and what you can do as a leader to foster collaborative relationships across your senior executive teams.
Helen Giles, executive director of people & governance, St Mungo's
12.15PM - 1.00PM2A. Action for Children case study: Driving impact and efficiency with digitalIn 2016 Action for Children partnered with the technology giant Fujitsu to digitally transform the charity’s entire case file library. By leveraging this support to revolutionise their back office functions, they have been able to unlock opportunities to accelerate their impact and reach even more young people. Vivienne Hoskins will outline the motivation behind the partnership and some of the challenges faced, including the process of assessing risk and scrutinising progress. She will share some of the key impacts this project has had to date and will suggest practical tips on how to effectively increase your organisation's digital capacity.
Vivienne Hoskins, operations transformation manager, Action for Children
12.15PM - 1.00PM2B. Mencap case study: The role of the trustee board in a crisis
Last year, Mencap was staring down the barrel of insolvency after HMRC demanded £20m worth of back pay for their employed carers on ‘sleep-in’ shifts. While the charity awaits legal clarification of the issue, Oonagh Smyth will tell the story of how Mencap’s board responded and impart some top tips on how trustees can best support their executive leaders in a crisis, particularly the importance of flexibility around the strategic/operational split.
Oonagh Smyth, director of strategy and influence, Mencap
12.15PM - 1.00PM2C. Trustee liability: What risks do I face and how can I manage them?This session will be a practical update to help you understand and manage the legal risks you may face as a trustee. Am I liable for decisions taken if I wasn’t at the meeting? In what circumstances might I be taken to court for my decisions as a trustee? How far can trustee indemnity insurance protect me? What do I do if I have concerns about my charity's governance? Con Alexander will answer these questions and more, explain the personal liabilities associated with trusteeship and outline how best to mitigate against personal risk.
Con Alexander, partner, Veale Wasbrough Vizards
12.15PM - 1.00PM2D. Chair’s Corner (Conducted under Chatham House Rule)This interactive session offers a confidential environment for chairs of any size organisation to come together to discuss challenges and share best practice:
- Managing the relationship with your chief executive
- Ensuring your charity is financially sustainable
- Managing difficult relationships
- Trustee recruitment
- Chairing effective meetings
- Ensuring your charity is compliant
- Setting the vision, values and goals of your organisation
1.00PM - 2.00PMLunch and networking breakLunch and networking break
2.00PM - 2.45PM3A. Developing a proactive comms strategyReputation is arguably a charity’s most valuable asset and for a sector so often in the public eye, an effective comms strategy should be held on a par with operational, strategic and even financial risk. This session will outline the key approaches and considerations for developing a focused, deliverable comms strategy, giving real-world examples for both established and smaller charities, including: agreeing priorities, stakeholder engagement, maximising resources, protecting your brand and how to exploit opportunities to enhance your reputation.
Peter Zarko-Flynn, director of communications, Cancer Research UK
2.00PM - 2.45PM3B. Stepping up: How to bring the new Charity Governance Code to lifeThe new Charity Governance Code has been widely welcomed by the sector, with the Charity Commission even withdrawing its
own ‘Hallmarks of an Effective Charity’ guidance and pointing boards towards the Code. But how easy and effective is it to use in practice? In this session, Delyth Morgan will share Breast Cancer Now’s experience of implementing the Code, while the Code’s architect Rosie Chapman will talk about next steps for its development.
Rosie Chapman, chair, Charity Governance Code Steering Group and Allison Howe, company secretary, NSPCC
2.00PM - 2.45PM3C. Setting your investment policyWith charities facing increased financial pressure and scrutiny, it is vital to effectively safeguard and promote your organisation’s
financial health. This session will explore the responsibility of a charity trustee in helping to shape a robust investment policy. Kate Rogers will outline the vital questions trustees must consider when investing for the longer term, and will impart practical tips on ensuring sound financial governance of your organisation’s investment assets.
Kate Rogers, head of policy, Cazenove
2.00PM - 2.45PM3D. Creating a culture in which people’s minds thriveA large and growing body of research indicates that healthier, happier staff drive long-term business performance through higher engagement and increased productivity. How can you as a leader help create an effective organisational culture in which people thrive? Drawing on insights from neuroscience, psychology and real-life examples, author Andy Gibson will explore how to maintain mental health at work, and how the trustee board can influence organisational culture. Join this session to hear tangible solutions to take back to your own organisations to build happier, more effective teams.
Andy Gibson, head gardener and chief executive, Mindapples
2.45PM - 3.15PMNetworking and refreshment breakNetworking and refreshment break
3.15PM - 4.00PM4A. British Red Cross case study: Safeguarding your fundraisingCharities are facing unprecedented pressure to demonstrate transparency and ethical assurance over their organisation’s
fundraising practices. The British Red Cross has responded to this challenge by establishing a committee to provide oversight of
fundraising activities, highlight areas of risk and ensure the organisation adheres to the highest standards. Join Keith Shipman & Hilary Douglas who will outline the framework, as well as some thoughts on what this model could mean for the sector.
Keith Shipman, trustee and Hilary Douglas, vice-chair, British Red Cross
3.15PM - 4.00PM4B. Mosaic Clubhouse case study: The board’s role in conquering adversitySeven years ago, Mosaic Clubhouse’s main funder presented the charity with a long list of virtually impossible changes as a
condition of renewing its contract. Instead of giving in, the board and executive team met the challenges head-on, and over
the next few years completely turned the charity around. In this session Maresa Ness will reflect on the journey undertaken
to transform the fortunes of the organisation: she will discuss the role of the board in dealing with unprecedented change, including how to effectively manage risk, and will impart practical tips for leaders who want to ensure their charity not only
survives, but thrives.
Maresa Ness, chief executive (and former chair), Mosaic Clubhouse
3.15PM - 4.00PM4C. Financial governance 101: A guide for non-finance trusteesEnsuring your charity is financially healthy and will remain so for the foreseeable future is one of the key duties of trustees. But
it can feel like a minefield to those without a background in finance. In this session Sam Coutinho will outline what good practice looks like in the relationship between the board and the finance director – including the questions trustees should be asking and the key financial risks all trustees should be aware of.
Sam Coutinho, audit and advisory partner, haysmacintyr
3.15PM - 4.00PM4D. Promoting controversial causes: Leading a charity in the face of negative headlinesMany charities work hard to further worthy charitable causes that sometimes attract criticism or controversy. Islamic Relief
Worldwide, for instance, has achieved a record income while battling Islamophobia and media hostility on a regular basis. In this session, Naser Haghamed and Lamia El Amri will share their advice for dealing with opposition from a variety of sources, including how to maintain staff morale, what the board can do to help, and also the steps that Islamic Relief Worldwide has taken to promote diversity and build resilience within its own organisation.
Naser Haghamed, chief executive and Lamia El Amri, chair, Islamic Relief Worldwide
4.00PM - 4.40PMClosing address: The next phase for the regulator
In this closing address, the Charity Commission's director of policy and communications will share her thoughts on the future relationship between the sector and its regulator in the post-Shawcross era, and on how charities should respond to modern challenges and opportunities.
Sarah Atkinson, director of policy and communications, Charity Commission
4.40PM - 4.50PMChair's closing remarksTania Mason, editor, Governance & Leadership
4.50PM - 6.00PMNetworking drinks receptionA chance to network and reflect on the day.
All presentations are password protected. Attendees of Trustee Exchange can find the password in their delegate packs. If you have any difficulties accessing the presentations email [email protected]
Opening plenary: Making boardrooms places of harmony & collaboration
Dr. Filipe Morais
1A: Does GDPR signal the beginning of the end of surveillance capitalism?
Ardi Kolah LL.M
1B: Unitary boards: The new model for governance?
Judith Davey
1C: Financial literacy for trustees
Judith Miller
2A: Action for Children case study: Driving impact and efficiency with digital
Vivienne Hoskins
2B: Governance in a crisis
Oonagh Smyth
2D: Chair's corner
John Williams
3A: Developing a proactive comms strategy
Peter Zarko-Flynn
3B: Applying the charity governance code
Allison Howe and Rosis Chapman
3C: Setting your investment policy
Tom Montagu-Pollock
4A: British Red Cross case study
Keith Shipman
4B: Mosaic Clubhouse case study
Maresa Ness
4C: Financial Governance 101: A guide for non-finance trustees
Sam Coutinho
4D: Promoting controversial causes: leading a charity in the face of negative headlines
Naser Haghamed and Lamia El Amri
Very useful networking with charities big and small and the commonalities
Janet Bloor, Action Duchenne
A rare opportunity to meet enthusiastic committed expertise from many walks of life Jane Flint Bridgewater, Cardiovascular Care Partnership UK
Very well structured with topics covering all aspects affecting trustees in the charity sector
Jeev Sahoo, Three Cs Support
Great day, wide ranging topics, just need to prioritise my actions now
Stephanie Maurel, Concordia
Excellent - critically important for getting up to date information direct from the 'horse’s mouth' in many cases
Duncan Bridges, Malvern Hills Conservators
Excellent day - thought provoking
Debby Webb, International Cat Care
Very valuable introduction to the role of the trustee on a charity board and excellent networking opportunity
Ian Judson, Sarcoma UK
Extremely relevant to my role as chair. Some new perspectives and reminders offered
Andrew Johnston, C.C.I.L
Great networking opportunity to identify common issues in the sector and how others have dealt with them
Wendy Bosler, Cats Protection
Very useful way to spend a day. Much food for thought and a good mix of tactical and strategic issues to discuss
Susan Griffin, The Donkey Sanctuary
Excellent breadth of information. Stimulating plenaries and workshops - Sandie Keene, Langley House Trust
An excellent one day opportunity to refresh my thinking on governance and test it with peers
Greg Holder, Pepenbury
Early-bird (booking made by 16 March) |
Bookings after 16 March | |
Small charity rate (<250k income) | 199 | 199 |
Charity delegate | 249 | 299 |
Charity extra place(s) | 149 | 199 |
Charity team ticket (up to four places) | 599 | 749 |
All prices excluding VAT
To purchase additional delegate places, please contact [email protected]
The Royal Garden Hotel
2-24 Kensington High St
W8 4PT
Terms & Conditions
Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing, however, circumstances beyond the control of the organisers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such Civil Society Media Ltd reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as soon as possible.
Substitution and cancellation policy: On receipt of your booking form, your place is confirmed. Delegate substitutions are allowed. Refunds on cancellations will only be issued (less a 15% administration charge) up to and including 14 days prior to the event. Refunds will not be issued after this date. Confirmation of cancellations MUST be in writing and sent or faxed to Civil Society Media at 15 Prescott Place, London, SW4 6BS 020 7819 1200 (fax: 020 7819 1210).
Personal details: This conference is produced by Civil Society Media Ltd. By registering to attend you are agreeing to be contacted with information relating to your delegate place and future events. Please e-mail [email protected] if you do not wish to be contacted about associated products from Civil Society Media. Please e-mail [email protected] if you do not wish to receive carefully screened, work-related emails from selected third parties.