We are delighted to announce the return of the 15th annual Trustee Conference. In 2023, Trustee Exchange will take place at BMA House, London. As always, we will bring you a mix of technical and regulatory updates alongside examples of great practice in governance and leadership, lively panel debates, and inspirational case studies.
There will be plenty of opportunities throughout the day to connect with your fellow delegates, share your issues and your knowledge, and get professional advice from sector experts. Always a sell-out event, we encourage you to book your place as soon as possible to avoid disappointment, and we look forward to seeing you on the day.

26 April 2023
9.00AM - 9.20AMRegistration, coffee & networking
9.20AM - 9.30AMChair's welcomeJenni O'Donovan, events director, Civil Society Media
9.30AM - 10.35AMKeynote panel discussion: Boost or brake? The role of trustee boards in enabling – championing, even – charity chief executives to speak outLast year, the Sheila McKechnie Foundation (SMK) launched a new initiative bringing together charity CEOs who want to work together to
ensure charities take their proper place in the national conversation. Evidence and experience show that charity CEOs are relatively underrepresented in public debate, compared to, say, business leaders. The concern is that charities' society-wide and systemic perspectives are missing at a time we need our national conversation to be at its richest.
Exploring this question with others both within and outside the sector suggest that trustee boards can be one of the barriers to CEOs having a platform. In this timely and important discussion, led by SMK’s CEO Sue Tibballs, our panellists will unpack why charity CEOs are not given the same exposure as their private and public sector peers on the major issues of the day, and explore what needs to happen to ensure their voices are heard in the national debate.
Sue Tibballs, chief executive, Sheila McKechnie Foundation (chair); Halima Begum, CEO, the Runnymede Trust; Alison Holt, social affairs
editor, BBC; Joe Saxton, founder, nfpResearch; Chris Sherwood, chief executive, RSPCA -
10.35AM - 11.00AMMorning networking break
11.00AM - 11.30AMMorning plenary: Second-chance saloonJames Timpson OBE DL is chief executive of Timpson Ltd, a family-run business with over 2,000 high-street shops including cobbler and keycutter Timpson, Snappy Snaps and Johnsons the Cleaners. He’s also chair of the Prison Reform Trust and national chair of the Employment
Advisory Board, which works closely with New Futures Network and the Ministry of Justice helping those in prison to secure a job on release.
Undoubtedly inspired by his experience of being raised in a family that fostered more than 80 children, James is famed for his determination
that everyone deserves a second chance in life, and his business model is built on employing ex-offenders. In this uplifting keynote speech,
James will share his philosophy of upside-down leadership and tips for instilling a culture of kindness in an organisation.James Timpson, chief executive, Timpson and chair, the Prison Reform Trust -
11.35AM - 12.20PM1A. Audit and taxation: An update on latest changes
The introduction of new audit standard ISA 315 will add a significant volume of work to every charity audit, particularly those that rely heavily on IT systems to support their operations. On top of this, the new chancellor’s autumn and spring statements are likely to announce further tax changes that will affect charities, including around employment, Gift Aid, VAT and capital allowances. Join this session to get up to speed on all these changes and their impacts on your charity, so you can be confident that your financial forecasting is robust.
Richard Weaver, head of charities and not for profit and Nick Bustin, employment tax director, haysmacintyre
11.35AM - 12.20PM1B. Regulatory update: The Charities Act, latest Charity Commission guidance and implications of recent court rulingsWith two implementation stages of the new Charities Act already under way and a third due to commence, Con and Shivaji will provide their expert reflections on the changes to charity law and their impacts on trustee decision-making. They will also unpick the new Charity Commission guidance on the rules around ESG investing in light of the Butler-Sloss case, and consider the implications of other recent court decisions involving charities.
Con Alexander and Shivaji Shiva, partners, VWV -
11.35AM - 12.20PM1C. Bringing governance into the 21st centuryMost charity trustees are busy people, and charities have a responsibility to ensure that their boards can operate as effectively and efficiently as possible. Digital technologies can support this aim by making it easier for trustees to send and receive information, interrogate data, assess risks and opportunities and attend virtual meetings. In this session, Ed and a charity partner will explain how a digital-first approach to governance can help charity boards to make better decisions while also saving both time and money.
Ed Rees, sales director, Diligent Institute and charity client TBC -
12.25PM - 1.10PM2A. How well governed are you financially?How up-to-speed are you with your charity’s financial position in these challenging times? How resilient and sustainable is the organisation?
This session will look at the importance of good financial governance and explore the building blocks that contribute to good quality financial information, ensure effective systems and controls, and create a culture that supports all trustees to engage in the numbers.
Judith Miller, partner, Sayer Vincent -
12.25PM - 1.10PM2B. The Charity Governance Code: the next evolutionThe Charity Governance Code is now firmly embedded in the framework of the sector as a widely-accepted illustration of what good governance looks like. But more can always be done in a changing world to evolve its content and improve its uptake across the sector, and the Code Steering Group is keen to ensure the Code is as user-friendly as possible. Join this session to hear the Steering Group’s early thinking about the next iteration of the Code, as well as a trustee’s first-hand account of how their board used the Code’s pillars and principles to improve decision making.
Radojka Miljevic and Rosalind Oakley, independent Chair and member, the Charity Governance Code Steering Group, Rachael Bailey, head of governance, Book Trust and Laura Crandley, COO, NCVO -
12.25PM - 1.10PM2C. Good going: A chief executive’s last 100 daysMuch has been written about a chief executive’s first 100 days, but what about their last 100 in the role? What might a chief executive do to make a good departure both for them and the organisation? Hear key insights from The Centre for Charity Effectiveness’s research study into this important period, and advice and learning from senior charity leaders about how they and their organisations have successfully navigated a CEO’s last 100 days.Host: Fiona Ash, consultant, Centre for Charity EffectivenessPanel: Helen Simmons, CEO, St Christopher’s Hospice, Steve Chu, former CEO, Age UK Sheffield and Chris Roles, former CEO, Age International
1.10PM - 2.10PMLunch break
2.10PM - 2.55PM3A. Net-zero targets: Incorporating investments and tracking progress
Many charities have made ambitious and commendable climate commitments. However, many are yet to decide whether their investment portfolios will be included in their net-zero targets. Verified science-based targets are likely to include financed emissions via a charity’s investments, so understanding how investment portfolios can be incorporated in measurement and management of an organisation’s emissions is important.
Kate Rogers, global head of sustainability and Emily Petersen, portfolio director – charities, Cazenove Capital
2.10PM - 2.55PM3B. Panel discussion: Mainstreaming equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI)Most charities are now aware of EDI imperatives, and are taking some steps towards improving their performance in this area. However, it is also apparent that there is a gulf between what some people believe is good progress, and what others believe is good progress. So, what does 'good' look like, now that EDI is no longer a fringe activity or an optional extra?
Nathan Nalla, founder/director, Be the Riot, (chair); Amanda Bennett, EDI lead, Guide Dogs; Anusha Everson, associate director, people strategy and transformation, Wellcome; Aurelia Michael, sexual health community development officer, Staffordshire Sexual Health Charity -
2.10PM - 2.55PM3C. The key role of governance in organisational integrity
Power & Integrity (PI ) a new open source initiative examining how understanding internal power dynamics can help organisations to build a more complete picture of their lived practice when it comes to integrity. Incubated within the NCVO, PI, seeks to explore how organisations can adopt a coherent, whole-system approach that cuts across all areas of their work - including the role of boards and governance. In this session, Alex and Penny will share the learning so far from PI’s inaugural “power labs” with five charities, and invite delegates to consider how the findings are relevant to their own charity.
Alex Cole Hamilton, PI lead and trustee, Sophie Hayes foundation and Penny Lawrence, PI advisor and chair, Refugee Action
2.55PM - 3.20PMRefreshments & networking break
3.20PM - 4.05PM4A. How trustees can support big audacious goals in fundraisingWe’ve all heard that ambitious, focused goals can energise people, but how can trustee boards get behind their fundraisers to help them set, and achieve, such goals? In this talk Liz will share:
- How she and her team worked with trustees to develop a new fundraising strategy for GOSH Children’s Charity.
- Her journey leading a team emerging from the pandemic to create a transformational plan and ambitious pathway for the future.
- Practical tips on how trustees can empower and galvanise the leadership team, colleagues and donors behind a transformational plan.
- How to nurture a positive, ambitious culture that delivers results.
Liz Tait, director of fundraising, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity -
3.20PM - 4.05PM4B. Surviving a statutory inquiry: an RNIB case studyWhen Matt Stringer and Jessica Holifield joined the RNIB in 2019 and 2020 as CEO and head of governance respectively, they plunged straight into a high-profile statutory inquiry that had been opened by the Charity Commission in 2018 following concerns about governance and poor safeguarding at an RNIB school. In this session, they will share their experience of steering the organisation through this highly turbulent period – against the backdrop of Covid-19 – including how they dealt with the media scrutiny, shored up staff morale, rebuilt beneficiary confidence and worked constructively with the Charity Commission.
Matt Stringer, chief executive and Jessica Holifield, director of legal and governance, RNIB -
3.20PM - 4.05PM4C. 10 hallmarks of a modern and successful charity chairChairing a board requires specific qualities and abilities in order to get the best out of the group both individually and collectively. The days of simple command and control are long gone, as leaders recognise the need to adapt their leadership style to different situations and personalities. John Williams is a highly experienced chair and trustee, and has compiled his list of top 10 values and characteristics that any great charity chair should possess. This session is a must-attend for anyone who already chairs a board, as well as all those that aspire to do so.John Williams, chair of governors, Stanhope Primary School and former vice chair at Association of Chairs
4.10PM - 4.40PMClosing keynote: A new relationship between trustees and the Charity CommissionIn this closing session, Helen will provide an update on the Commission’s priorities, including its work to improve its use of data to better support trustees, and identify and tackle problems in charities. As part of this, she will set out the Commission’s vision for a new relationship with trustees, including through the My Commission Account service, which will be rolled out and developed in the months and years ahead.
Helen Stephenson, chief executive, the Charity Commission -
4.40PM - 4.45PMChair's closing remarks
4.45PM - 5.45PMNetworking drinks reception
Early-bird (booking made by 10 March) |
Bookings after 10 March | |
Small charity rate (<250k income) | 199 | 199 |
Charity delegate | 269 | 319 |
Charity extra place(s) | 169 | 219 |
Charity team ticket (up to four places) | 649 | 779 |
All prices excluding VAT
For sponsorship and exhibition queries contact Matthew Nolan
For registration queries contact Carys Pugh
For media partnerships and marketing queries contact Kirsty Brown
Terms & Conditions
- Payment
- Registrations will not be fully confirmed until correct payment is received. If you have any issues with payment, please contact [email protected]
- Programming
- Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing, however, circumstances beyond the control of the organisers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such Civil Society Media Ltd reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as soon as possible.
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- Delegates are required to observe and comply with all laws, regulations, rules and requirements relating to COVID-19 and which Civil Society Media has adopted as part of its operations. Civil Society Media will communicate the COVID-19 Measures to you from time to time including and without limitation via pre-Event emails, its social channels and the event website
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- Cancellation or reimbursement
- On receipt of your booking form, your place is confirmed. Delegate substitutions are allowed. Refunds on cancellations will only be issued (less a 15% administration charge) up to and including 30 days prior to the event. Refunds will not be issued after this date. Confirmation of cancellations MUST be in writing and sent to [email protected]
- Individual registrants who registered as part of a discounted group registration are not eligible for refunds, unless the entire group cancels. Registrations may be transferred to another person from the same organisation at any time.
- Postponement or Cancellation of the Event by the Organiser
- Should we have to cancel or postpone due to COVID-19 we will endeavour to give you as much notice as is reasonably possible.
- In the event that we have to postpone the Charity Finance Summit due to COVID-19, we will transfer your ticket to the next alternative date.