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Tristan Blythe: Welcome to tomorrow’s world

03 Feb 2025 Voices

Adobe Stock / Datt

This is the first edition of Charity Finance of 2025, and a new year brings a chance to consider what the future holds. In some ways, that is what we do in much of this issue.

We know that the predictions for the future of the planet are dire if we do not face up to and take action on the climate crisis. We also know that many charities are worried about the future of their finances, especially as they have seen costs – and energy bills, in particular – rocket in recent years.

This means that making your buildings more energy efficient is one way to help to futureproof your charity – and this is our cover theme topic this month.

Two other features directly touch on looking to the future as well.

Our annual Law Firms Survey has some of the charity sector’s leading legal experts explain, and give their opinions on, what legislation is coming up in the months ahead that will impact on the sector.

Much of this legislation is not aimed directly at the charity sector, and there is a danger of unintended consequences for charities. This is one of the reasons why a good relationship with government is important.

Thirdly, there is our special feature on digital and IT issues. Each year when we look at this topic, it feels like the future is already upon us.

Artificial intelligence, once considered to be the realm of science fiction, has come on in leaps and bounds in recent years. Its use provides opportunities and challenges for charities, but is certainly not an area that they should ignore.

Cybercrime seems to get more sophisticated each year and the need to take steps to protect your organisation as much as possible (although there probably is not any such thing as a 100% secure organisation in any sector) remains as important as ever.

However, that is not to paint just a “doom and gloom” image of the future. Technology can, of course, reap benefits by bringing efficiencies and new ways of operating. Many charities are trying to become more environmentally friendly - as indeed are many businesses, other organisations and individuals. Plus there is a great deal of innovation in green technology.

Many of the issues we face are best dealt with through collective action and shared knowledge. Two areas that the charity sector is great at – which is something hopeful for the days ahead.

Tristan Blythe is editor of Charity Finance 

Charity Finance is packed with practical articles and analysis of the latest financial trends, as well as in-depth briefings on technical and legal changes, and benchmarking surveys to help busy finance teams get value for money. Find more information here and subscribe today!


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