Charity Finance Banking Survey 2025

The questionnaire is now open for responses. Share your views by 7th March to receive a free copy of the published survey report and one lucky person will also win a £100 John Lewis voucher.

Resources: Next Steps in Fundraising

Below are some useful case studies from Fundraising Magazine's 'How to Guide: Next steps in fundraising'

Major gifts

Cancer Research UK
Cats Protection


Dog's Trust

Institute of Legacy Management
Resources and training on legal aspects of legacies.

Guidance around fundraising through gifts in wills, produced in collaboration with the Charity Commission.

Fundraising Regulator
Code of Fundraising Practice has dedicated section for legacy and gifts in wills.



Directory of Social Change’s Directory of Grant Making Trusts
The UK’s best-selling guide to funding from grantmaking charities.





Corporate Partnerships

M&S Charity Partnerships
High street retailer has successful partnerships with a range of charities including Breast Cancer Now and Shelter.

Lloyds Banking Group
Key statistics around social impact from the national bank.

John Lewis
Famed for its Christmas appeals, the retailer runs charity partnerships all year round.

Remarkable Partnerships
Consultancy with lots of information and list of best corporate partnerships.

Business Fights Poverty
Consortium of businesses looking to make social impact.

Charities Aid Foundation
Blogs and information on corporate partnerships and how to pitch for them.

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