Charity Finance Banking Survey 2025

The questionnaire is now open for responses. Share your views by 7th March to receive a free copy of the published survey report and one lucky person will also win a £100 John Lewis voucher.

Steve Cotterill: Young fundraisers are the future

08 Feb 2018 Voices

The sector’s most vital assets are its young people. Time to listen to them.

Every year we see a cohort of bright, enthusiastic young people coming into the sector to use their talents to raise money for causes they believe in. Some may have fallen into it; some may be building on experiences of volunteering or running college fundraisers; for a rare few, it is a calling. They may have long careers ahead of them. They may leave within a couple of years. But that doesn’t matter. They are fundraisers now and they are vital to the development of the industry.

That is why we have decided to dedicate a page in each issue to new voices in fundraising, imaginatively named New Voices. The sector can learn a lot from people just starting out in their careers – about what motivates them, how they see the profession developing and why they think people give in the first place. They are not only the future of fundraising, but also they and their peers are the future of giving.

Every other year we also publish the 25 under 35 list of rising stars in the sector. We will be launching the list again later this year and it provides an invaluable resource for people in the sector looking for insight into how younger people are approaching fundraising, how they are tapping new supporter groups and how they are driving change and future success.

Going out to thousands of fundraising teams around the country, this magazine is a fantastic platform to get new voices heard and champion them. So, if you are a new entrant to the profession and have something to say about it, please drop me an email or message me on Twitter. After all, now we’ve got a page, we’ve got to fill it.



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