Charity CRM Software Survey 2025

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What's in June 2020's issue of Fundraising Magazine?

08 Jun 2020 In-depth

This month, Fundraising Magazine's cover exclusive looks at the results of a survey of over 700 fundraisers on the topic of wellbeing and mental health. Expert analysis by consultant Claire Warner highlights the need for the sector as a whole to take responsibility for the wellbeing of staff, particularly at this time. With a high percentage saying they had suffered from work-related stress, as well as bullying and harassment, the survey shows a clear need to address underlying issues that are driving talent out of the sector and creating toxic work environments.

There is also an in-depth look at the Children's Society's recent foray into the world of online gaming through it's involvement in the You Are Not Alone virtual event. An emerging market for charities, gaming for good has the potential to be one of the fastest-growing channels for fundraising.

June's issue also carries an interview with the fundraising director of Age UK, Laurie Boult, on how the charity expects to see a 30% fall in income due to the Covid-19 pandemic but is pouring efforts into digital fundraising to try to make up the shortfall.

There is also insight into how to embed diversity and inclusion in your team, and step-by-step guidance on ensuring the smooth running of your virtual events during the era of social distancing.




Fundraising Magazine is a practical and inspiring magazine that provides fundraising professionals with the tools to unlock new revenue streams, yield better results from campaigns and boost donor income. Subscribe today to receive 10 issues per year and access to premium fundraising content on 

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