The cover theme of January’s G&L is race equity and anti-racism. In our main feature, we report on various events that took place towards the end of last year at which a number of sector leaders shared their experiences and insights from the work they and their charities have been doing to work towards becoming anti-racist organisations. The article features perspectives from charities including Mind, Citizens Advice, Wellcome and others, and offers a unique window on the progress that is being made in the sector as well as the challenges that remain to be overcome.
The second article in the cover section is an excerpt of a useful guide to measuring and reporting on your charity’s ethnicity pay gap, produced by ACEVO and Voice4Change England as part of their Home Truths 2 series of race equity resources. Regular columnist Dr Wanda Wyporska also jumps on the anti-racism topic in her piece, and pulls no punches in her assessment of the sector’s position.
In the Policy & Public Affairs section, Pro Bono Economics CEO Matt Whittaker discusses the work his organisation has been doing with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport to work up a proposal for a “civil society satellite account”, which will help the sector to demonstrate the value of its contribution to society in a much more effective way than has been possible before.
Cybercrime and cyber governance is the topic of both the Charity Commission’s column in the Law & Guidance section and the Core Functions section. In the latter, the chair of the UK’s Cyber Security Council says that trustee boards must take a more active role in overseeing their charity’s approach to cyber governance, and offers some expert advice on how to do this.
In Board Matters, the chair of the Charity Governance Code steering group provides an update on next steps for the code following a recent consultation on its future, and in Noelle Rumball’s final Chair’s Corner column, she rehearses the pros and cons of paying trustees – a subject that seems to be gaining interest again and will form the basis of an expert panel discussion at our next Trustee Exchange conference in April.
We hope you enjoy reading the magazine.
Cover theme
Law & Guidance
Policy & Public Affairs
People & Culture
Board matters
Strategy & Operations
Core functions: Cybersecurity
The final word