Charity Finance Banking Survey 2025

The questionnaire is now open for responses. Share your views by 12th March to receive a free copy of the published survey report and one lucky person will also win a £100 John Lewis voucher.

What’s in September 2023’s issue of Governance & Leadership?

18 Sep 2023 In-depth

The September edition of Governance & Leadership focuses on internal disputes, and how charities should – and should not – deal with them.

Alongside an in-depth article by senior report Lea Legraien, who interviewed a number of charity lawyers about the rise in complex internal disputes that they are seeing in the sector, we provide an expert insight from mediators about the useful role that mediation can play in resolving conflicts.  There is also a piece from the Charity Commission, whose chief executive recently warned charities not to “weaponise” the regulator in their disputes.  This article explains how attempts to get the Commission to take a side in an intractable row can often backfire.

Our regular columnists Dr Wanda Wyporska and Noelle Rumball also look at the issue of conflicts, each offering their own unique advice on how to prevent them arising in the first place.

The Core Functions section this month is on the subject of risk and insurance. Consultant Nick Moore offers his expert take on the types of insurance that charities ought to consider, and how boards should decide what cover is necessary for their charity’s particular circumstances.

The Charity Commission’s regular column rounds up the changes in the new investment guidance, CC14, while in the news analysis CFG’s policy chief discusses work being done in the sector to devise a new set of investment principles based on the updated guidance.

In the People & Culture section, US-based entrepreneur and author Tania Luna outlines the “power-with” style of leadership that saw her organisation successfully through the pandemic. And in Board Matters, NPC’s principal Charlotte Lamb provides some of the insights from the think tank’s latest report, Being a Trustee in an Age of Permacrisis, including tips on how to stay focused on your mission when storms are trying to knock you off-course.

And finally, in her leader column, editor Tania Mason examines the RSPB “LIARS” saga, and its timeliness in helping us to promote our new joint survey with the Sheila McKechnie Foundation, which trustees can take part in here. 



Cover theme


Law & Guidance

People & Culture

Board matters


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