Captain Tom Moore has so far raised over £5m for NHS charities through a birthday fundraising challenge.
He is trying to walk 100 laps of his garden before he turns 100 at the end of this month and has set up a fundraising page for the NHS Charities Together appeal.
Moore had originally hoped to raise £1,000 but has surpassed this to raise £5.3m via his JustGiving page.
He is sharing updates on his progress on Twitter and YouTube.
NHS Charities Together appeal raises over £20m
NHS Charities Together is an umbrella body for 150 NHS charities. It launched an urgent appeal to raise money to support NHS workers on the frontline of the coronavirus response.
It has raised over £8m from JustGiving fundraisers, including Moore.
Its Clap For Our Carers Virgin Money Giving Appeal page has raised £26m, most of which is labelled as “offline donations”.
Today the Duke of Westminster announced that he would donate a further £5m to the appeal, having donated £2.5m in March.
Insurance company Aviva also announced that it has pledged £5m to the appeal.
Other fundraising initiatives
NHS Charities Together is benefiting from a range of fundraising projects.
Premier League Footballers have partnered with the campaign and launched a #PlayersTogether initiative to channel money and support to the appeal.
Dame Vera Lynn and Katherine Jenkins have re-released their duet of We Will Meet Again and 100% of proceeds will be donated to the appeal.
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