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Age Scotland chief steps down after ten years

10 Aug 2022 News

Brian Sloan, the chief executive of Age Scotland

Age Scotland

The chief executive of Age Scotland, Brian Sloan, has announced he is stepping down after 10 years in post.

He joined the charity in 2011 as a director, and was promoted to chief executive a year later. Sloan will remain in post for a further six months while the charity looks for his successor. The recruitment process is being put in place, the charity has said.

Stuart Purdy, chair of Age Scotland, said: “On behalf of the board and all of our team at Age Scotland, I thank Brian for his leadership, his commitment and the impact and results he and his team have delivered in support of older people. Brian’s leadership over the last ten years of his service sets him apart and he will be much missed by the whole team at Age Scotland and by our many supporters and partners.”

Commenting on his departure, Sloan said he “will always support Age Scotland” but it is “the right time” for him to leave the charity.

He said: “After ten wonderful years with Age Scotland, I have decided it is the right time for me to leave the organisation. Age Scotland is in the best place it has ever been, representing and supporting the older people of Scotland in its broadest sense whilst being financially secure.

“The future has never looked brighter for the organisation and every single colleague, both past and present, should be immensely proud of the part they have played during my ten-year journey.”

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