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All the latest from Faith Charities Week 2020

07 Sep 2020 Conferences

What difference does faith make?

We have put together a week of digital content which is aimed at connecting and inspiring faith-based organisations of all shapes, sizes and denominations. We want to create an opportunity to discuss and analyse the role that faith plays in furthering many charities’ mission, as well as unpick some of the key challenges facing this unique group of organisations. We will be focusing predominantly on the challenges facing faith-based organisations, and the role of faith, in times of crisis.

What's coming up at Faith Charities Week?

Join the live sessions
Read our in-depth content
Voices from the faith charity sector

Join our live sessions

Monday 7 Sept - The Big Picture

  • 10.00 - 11.00

    From crisis to opportunity – the role of faith leaders in building back better

    There is a known expression, ‘You must not waste a good crisis’, and this is the inspiration for our discussion today. As we continue to navigate our way through the coronavirus pandemic, adapting our ways of living and working, what is the role of faith leaders and communities to ensure that important learnings are not lost in the transition?

    Chair: Fadi Itani, director, Muslim Charities Forum

    • Krish Raval, founder, Faith in Leadership and advisory panel, City Sikhs
    • Dr Ruth Valerio, director of advocacy and influencing, Tearfund
    • Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner, senior rabbi, Reform Judaism



    12.00 - 13.00

    Innovation spotlight: Muslim communities responding to Covid19

    In testing times it is more important than ever to foster hope and to reflect upon the positive repercussions as communities have come together to show support, compassion and strength in the face of adversity. In this session, we shine a light on some of the innovative responses taking place across the British Muslim charitable sector.

    Chair: Hassan Joudi, deputy secretary general, Muslim Council for Britain

    • Anas Abu, development executive, Muslim Charities Forum
    • Saleem Ahmed, head of welfare & services, Green Lane Masjid & Community Centre
    • Adel Khaireh, youth support, Greenwich Islamic Centre



    13.00 - 14.00

    Learning from the past - an analysis of international emergency responses

    Grounded in comprehensive research, this session will examine how faithbased organisations have contributed to humanitarian responses during international emergencies in the past. From earthquakes to hurricanes and outbreaks of disease, what can be learned from these experiences when strategising responses to the coronavirus pandemic as it unfolds in the global south?

    Pat Finlow, research fellow, City, University of London



    14.00 - 15.00

    London after lockdown – helping religious communities cope and thrive in a new normal

    This session will explore Theos’ latest report, Religious London. This research found that religion is becoming more visible and significant in the Capital. It reported that 250,000 people left London prior to the lockdown, and it is likely that once the immediate effects of the pandemic are behind us a new case will have to be made for living and working in the city. Join this session to explore the implications for religious communities and potential future trends in London’s religious demography.

    Paul Bickley, research fellow, Theos Think Tank



Tuesday 8 Sept - Governance

  • 10.00 - 11.00

    Legal update: Facing the future with confidence

    As we continue to emerge from lockdown this topical legal update will focus on a range of governance issues, safeguarding and HR and employment matters, so that you can be confident that your charity is in good shape for the challenges and opportunities which lie ahead for faith based organisations. The session will draw on real-life examples to bring the issues to life, and allow plenty of time for questions and discussion.

    David Ludlow and Gordon Reid, charities team, Moore Barlow


    12.30 - 1.30

    Places of worship in 2020: key governance challenges

    This session will use real-life case studies to bring key governance issues in places of worship – such as financial management and safeguarding – to life, and outline the regulator’s key expectations. You will come away with some practical advice in order to future-proof your organisation, protect the communities you serve and stay focused on your mission.

    Nick Donaldson, head of faith charities engagement, Charity Commission


    14.00 - 15.00

    Safeguarding and faith: Ten standards for best practice and key tips as we emerge from a global pandemic

    All organisations, including churches and faith-based charities have a duty of care to ensure that vulnerable groups of people are protected from harm and abuse. This session will highlight ten key safeguarding standards and impart practical advice on how to ensure that policies and procedures are fit for purpose. In an uncertain world where the way many organisations deliver their services is changing, how can you ensure that your safeguarding practices remain relevant and are able to keep up with the pace of change?

    Annette Williams, safeguarding advisor, Thirtyone:eight


Wednesday 9 Sept - Finance & Fundraising

  • 10.00 - 11.00

    The Climate Emergency – how can faith charities use their investments to respond to the challenge?

    The devastating potential of climate change is well known. Helping tackle this emergency is among the top investment priorities for many charities. But can trustees invest to save the planet and still deliver the returns they need? This session will explore the challenges involved in what can seem like conflicting priorities and offer a possible solution.

    David Palmer, chief executive and Christophe Borysiewicz, head of investments, Epworth Investment, Canon Jennifer Smith, superintendent minister, Wesley’s Chapel


    12.30 - 13.30

    All We Can case study: Driving support through digital

    This session will outline how the Methodist relief and development charity responded to the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic by prioritising their digital strategy. Launching an emergency fundraising appeal had to be carefully framed with an awareness that many of their supporters would be struggling themselves, and this became the springboard to developing a variety of new online resources aimed at offering hope and encouragement based on faith.

    Dean Gillespie, data and digital manager, All We Can


    15.30 - 16.00

    Instagram Live: Reflections on fundraising during Ramadan

    Back in May, Zia Salik told Fundraising Magazine “We have so many facilities, tools and resources. The test for us is to see how we get through this”. Zia joins Val Cipriani on Instagram Live to discuss Islamic Relief’s approach to fundraising during Ramadan in lockdown and staying optimistic despite the challenges.

    Zia Salik, head of fundraising, Islamic Relief, Val Cipriani, reporter, Fundraising Magazine


    16.30 - 17.30

    Guided relaxation meditation based on Buddhist philosophy – led by John Wadswoth

    John has been teaching yoga for over twenty years and is passionate about Yoga Nidra and deep guided relaxation techniques. John has been teaching at Triyoga since it opened in 2000, his Nidra class includes gentle movement, easy breathing techniques and simple meditation, all designed to lift your spirits and bring balance to your mind and body. John is an experienced clinical hypnotherapist and skilled massage therapist. He is also a practicing Buddhist of forty + years.

    Drawing on all his skills, he wishes to encourage students to realise their full positive, creative potential, be calm, happy and relaxed.



Thursday 10 Sept - Leadership

  • 10.00 - 10.40

    Taking charge of change – developing resilient leadership for turbulent times

    No amount of strategic planning could have prepared Ndidi Okezie for a global pandemic to hit less than a month into her new role as CEO at UK youth. Instead of carrying out a mandate to grow the organisation she was suddenly leading remote teams in their response to an unprecedented crisis. In this honest account, she explains the role that her personal faith plays in how she approaches challenges and shares some advice on how to develop more resilience.

    Ndidi Okezie, chief executive, UK Yout


    15.00 - 16.00

    CEO Spotlight - leading through unprecedented times

    We ask some sector leaders their reflections on leading through crisis, what they have learnt, what they would do differently if given the chance again and what difference faith makes to them and their organisation.




Friday 11 Sept - Personal development and networking

  • 10.30

    The role of faith in driving change

    Faith in action encompasses both providing direct support on a local level and holding a mirror up to major social injustices. But what is the role of leaders of faith organisations in creating change in both communities and our wider society?

    Join chief executives from faith organisations in this open session of ACEVO’s faith-based charities meetings, which enable leaders to connect and discuss experiences and challenges.

    Co-chairs – Vicky Browning, CEO, ACEVO and Paul Parker, recording Clerk, Quakers in Britain With Tufail Hussein, director of Islamic Relief UK and Rachel Lampard, public issues team leader, Methodist Church


    12:30 - 13:30

    Guided relaxation meditation based on Buddhist philosophy – led by John Wadswoth

    John has been teaching yoga for over twenty years and is passionate about Yoga Nidra and deep guided relaxation techniques. John has been teaching at Triyoga since it opened in 2000, his Nidra class includes gentle movement, easy breathing techniques and simple meditation, all designed to lift your spirits and bring balance to your mind and body.

    John is an experienced clinical hypnotherapist and skilled massage therapist. He is also a practicing Buddhist of forty + years. Drawing on all his skills, he wishes to encourage students to realise their full positive, creative potential, be calm, happy and relaxed.


    Networking Opportunities




Read our in-depth content

You will need to be a subscriber to Charity Finance to access some of the following content.

Voices from the faith charity sector

Throughout the week we will be sharing some insightful perspectives from key faith figures and organisations.


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