Charity Finance Banking Survey 2025

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Charity workers offered grants to train as social entrepreneurs

06 Apr 2018 News

Charity workers are being invited to apply for a programme which will provide training and financial support to become an entrepreneur.

The Lloyds Bank and Bank of Scotland Social Entrepreneurs Programme 2018, run in partnership with School for Social Entrepreneurs, and jointly funded by Big Lottery Fund, is a programme created to support social entrepreneurs in communities across the UK.

Now in its sixth year, the programme provides entrepreneurs with financial support to start or scale up a social business (grants of £1,000, or a Match Trading grant of up to £7,000, depending on the applicant’s eligibility), a comprehensive learning programme with the School for Social Entrepreneurs and a dedicated mentor from Lloyds Banking Group.

Match Trading was launched in 2017 to encourage social entrepreneurs to grow their business through trading and increase their sustainability by incentivising them to explore new markets and diversify income streams.

The programme aims to support 2,350 entrepreneurs by 2020.

Paula Rogers, head of Social Enterprise at Lloyds Banking Group said: “The Lloyds Bank and Bank of Scotland Social Entrepreneurs Programme attracts so many inspirational and motivated individuals from across the UK and we look forward to supporting a new cohort of students this year. 

“We believe that by supporting individuals to start and develop social businesses to solve the most pressing issues within their local communities, we are helping to drive economic growth across the UK and deliver on our ambition to help Britain prosper.”

Alastair Wilson, chief executive of the School for Social Entrepreneurs, said: “Our partnership with Lloyds Banking Group has enabled us to support thousands of social entrepreneurs across the UK to develop businesses that transform communities and help people in need. 

“We look forward to supporting these social entrepreneurs on each of their individual journeys and to witness their growth with the support of a grant, learning programme with the School for Social Entrepreneurs, and dedicated mentor from Lloyds Banking Group.”

Applications for the 2018-2019 programme are now open online at and taster sessions are taking place across the UK. 


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