Charity Finance Banking Survey 2025

The questionnaire is now open for responses. Share your views by 12th March to receive a free copy of the published survey report and one lucky person will also win a £100 John Lewis voucher.

Association of Charitable Foundations begins strategic review 

08 Feb 2022 News

The Association of Charitable Foundations (ACF) has started a month-long consultation as part of a strategic review to “better understand the challenges and opportunities the future holds”. 

ACF says it wants to hear from a range of stakeholders and is posting a different set of questions each week. This week’s questions are about challenges and opportunities. 

The infrastructure body last carried out a strategic review in 2016, and says this year’s work offers a “unique opportunity for you to influence ACF’s strategic direction”. 

The consultation is the first of two phases and ACF says it will share its findings with members throughout the process. 

ACF’s consultation announcement explained: “We are launching a month-long conversation with a wide range of members and stakeholders to better understand the challenges and opportunities the future holds and the role foundations and ACF might play to enrich society.

“We want to make sure foundations’ ambition and effectiveness puts them at the heart of finding and delivering the future solutions our society needs and making a positive difference.” 

Fundraising Live and the Charity Technology Conference return this year. Both conferences will take place in-person in London on Wednesday 2 March 2022, and the theme will be ‘Strategies and tools for success in the new world’. Find out more and book your place here. 



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