Asthma + Lung UK reduces carbon footprint by 62% in three years

18 Feb 2025 News

Asthma + Lung UK logo

Asthma + Lung UK has reported that it has reduced its annual CO2 emissions by 62% compared with a baseline measurement taken in 2021.

In 2022, the charity identified where it could make the biggest reductions in its carbon footprint and created a plan to move its pensions and investments out of fossil fuels where possible.

As of 30 June 2023, it had achieved a 45% overall reduction in its carbon footprint, according to a document documenting its journey to reduce CO2 emissions.

This included a 93% reduction in emissions attributable to its annual pension contributions and a 41% reduction in emissions attributable to its investment holdings.

Henry Gregg, director of external affairs at Asthma + Lung UK, told Civil Society that the charity has now “reduced its carbon footprint overall by 62%” and “achieved a 96% reduction in carbon emissions as an indirect result of its pension investments”.

“This move has been widely supported by staff and aligns with our strong commitment to protecting the environment,” he said.

Target met

In its five-year strategy, launched in 2022, Asthma + Lung UK pledged to halve its CO2 emissions by 2027.

The charity identified that pension contributions and investment holdings were its biggest CO2 emitters.

Its annual pension contributions release 153 tonnes of CO2 per year (13% of the charity’s total CO2 emissions) while investment holdings produce 858 tonnes (75% of total CO2 emissions). 

The annual report for 2022-23 shows that as of 30 June 2023, Asthma + Lung UK had cash balances of £3.4m and an investment portfolio of £17.9m.

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