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CAF hires John Low as new chief

01 May 2007 News

RNID chief executive John Low is to become the new chief executive at Charities Aid Foundation.

RNID chief executive John Low is to become the new chief executive at Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). He will join CAF on 1 August at a pivotal time in the organisation's history.

For the last few months CAF has been in the midst of a strategic review that is widely expected to recommend a new direction, including the sale or scrapping of some of the services it provides. However, Low said that he would have input into the outcome of the review when he joins, and 'would not just be handed a blueprint' to implement.

Low, currently chief exective at RNID, will succeed Stephen Ainger in the top job, though finance director Tony Rogers has been in the role temporarily since Ainger resigned suddenly last autumn. Sources said that Ainger and CAF's chair Simon Cairns disagreed over CAF's future priorities, and whether it should focus primarily on its donor services for individuals and businesses or its banking arm for charities.

Low said he thought CAF was 'strong in its current structure' but gave a hint as to where he felt there might be an opportunity to streamline services: 'Some of the international stuff is becoming increasingly able to stand on its own two feet.' He added that CAF harboured 'huge potential to make a real difference to the voluntary sector', but that it 'could do so much more than it does now'. 'It has some absolutely superb products but I have to admit I hadn't even heard of some of them.'

Low said he was attracted to the role because he has a great heart for the voluntary sector and the challenge CAF presented was irresistible. Low is also chair of Acevo and hopes to continue in this role if time permits.