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Charities ask Treasury for clarity on EU funding for the sector

22 Aug 2016 News

Charity representative bodies have written to the Treasury seeking assurances about European Union funding. 

The chief executives of NCVO, Charity Finance Group, Social Enterprise UK, Voice4Change England, the Small Charities Coalition, Locality, Navca, the Association of Charitable Foundations and the Institute of Fundraising have written to David Gauke, chief secretary to the Treasury to ask for clarity about the European Social Fund and Horizon 2020. 

They said: “We would be grateful if you could provide us an assurance that the European Social Fund and Horizon 2020 funding will be continued until 2020. We would also welcome a conversation about how the services and research currently funded by the EU will be supported in the future.”

Earlier this month the government confirmed that the structural and investment funds projects signed before the Autumn Statement and Horizon research funding granted before the UK leaves the EU. 

The umbrella bodies said that this “will provide welcome relief in the short term” but that “it doesn’t solve the problem of what happens after 2020” and “also leaves a question mark for those who haven’t been issued letters of offer before November”.

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