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New trustees will now get a welcome pack from the Charity Commission

27 Apr 2018 News

From Monday, every new trustee will receive a welcome pack on being a trustee from the Charity Commission, delegates at the Trustee Exchange conference heard yesterday. 

Sarah Atkinson, director of policy, planning and communications at the Charity Commission, said that the welcome pack has been described as a “friendly but firm regulatory welcome handshake”.

The welcome pack has been through a testing stage, but the regulator will still be asking for feedback. It will be available for all new trustees, not just trustees of new charities. It will also be published on the Charity Commission’s website.

Atkinson said: “From Monday every new trustee will get that ‘firm regulatory handshake’. We will also publish it on our website, for those of you who are not new trustees who would like to see what it says, or perhaps those of you that are chairs and have significant roles in inducting new trustees onto the board might want to use it. And we would really love you to do that and to tell us what you think.”

Atkinson was speaking at the closing plenary of the 11th Trustee Exchange conference, held by Civil Society Media and Governance & Leadership magazine.

Update 30/04/2018: The welcome pack for trustees has now been published by the Charity Commission and is available here.

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