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Conflict of interest concerns at charities with related trustees investigated

04 Feb 2025 News

Charity Commission building and logo

Civil Society Media

The Charity Commission has opened statutory inquiries into two north London-based Jewish educational charities over conflict of interest concerns.

The commission announced today it is looking into the Solev Co Limited with a focus on related-party transactions recorded in the charity’s accounts.

It is also investigating whether conflicts of interest have been managed appropriately given that its former trustees were all from the same family.

The regulator is also inquiring into the charity Hatzlocho Limited, whose objects are to advance the Orthodox Jewish faith and relieve poverty, with similar concerns.

According to Companies House, Joseph Tager and Simon Tager resigned as directors of Solev Co last month.

Meanwhile, Helen Tager Flusberg, Suzanne Tager and Nicola Tager all recently resigned as directors of Hazlocho, according to the site.

All three current trustees recently registered with Solev Co Limited on the commission’s website are also registered as trustees with Hatzlocho.

Accounts not filed

Solev Co has not filed accounts and annual returns on time for the last five years and has yet to submit its 2023 and 2024 accounts.

According to Solev Co’s latest accounts filed in 2022, it had a total income of £302,000 with an expenditure of £435,000.

Hatzlocho’s latest accounts, filed in 2022, recorded a total income of £38,000 with an expenditure of £20,000. It also had a record of not meeting its account filing deadlines.

Both inquiries will examine the administration, governance and management of the charities, with particular attention to the extent to which the trustees have complied with their statutory reporting duties, whether they acted in accordance with their legal duties and conflicts of interest.

Both charities have declined to comment.  

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