Charity CRM Software Survey 2025

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Consultation opens for sector’s first Digital Code of Practice

03 Jul 2018 News

Charities are being asked to contribute to the UK’s first Charity Digital Code of Conduct as the consultation opens today.

The code aims to help charities improve their digital skills and increase their take up of digital activity. It is being funded by Lloyds Banking Group and the Co-op Foundation.

The Code, which is due to be launched in November, will be voluntary and free to access. The steering group behind the code said it is keen to hear from charities of all size from across the UK as part of the consultation.

The Charity Digital Code of Practice will include best practice guidelines as well as practical tips and advice for large as well as smaller charities. It will aim to increase digital motivation and confidence in activities including fundraising and engaging with stakeholders.

Early user research and testing has been carried out in advance of the consultation with more than 30 organisations of all sizes across the country to help shape the initial draft and ensure that the voices of all kinds of charities are represented.

Zoe Amar, chair of the Charity Digital Code of Practice steering group, said:  “This is an exciting development for the charity sector. We often hear from small organisations which are worried about a lack of budget or skills to carry out digital activity. 

“The new code will aim to increase the digital confidence of all charities and give practical advice about where they can make improvements in digital engagement with their beneficiaries and funders as well as increasing collaboration with other charities.”

The consultation will be open from 3 July to 25 September 2018. 

All charities are invited to visit to respond and contribute to the code. 

The Charity Technology Conference takes place on 7 November 2018. For more information and to book click here. 



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