Crime Reduction Initiatives has announced that it is in the early stages of a rebrand and will be changing its name to Change, Grow, Live.
In an announcement on its website, the social care and health charity said that while its previous name “has served us well so far, the majority of our work is around social care and health rather than criminal justice, so it no longer describes what we do”.
The statement also said that the organisation had undertaken “research” into the rebrand which said that its name’s “reference to crime helps facilitate the prejudice to our service users experience and can act as a barrier, stopping people who need our help coming to us”.
The charity said that its proposed new name “will help us communicate our unique approach” and that Change, Grow, Live better “represents the concept that will drive everything we currently do and our plans for the future”.
While CRI’s name has changed to CGL on the charity register, it remains Crime Reduction Initiatives on Companies House.
In its last set of published accounts, CRI’s strategic report said that the organisation’s marketing and communications team “will focus on a fundamental rebrand of the organisation over the coming year to ensure that our brand is fully aligned with our vision and values”.
Its last set of accounts for the year ending 31 March 2015 showed the charity had an income of £141.2m and spending of £140m.