Friends of the Earth CEO to join Wildlife Trusts

15 Nov 2019 News

The chief executive of Friends of the Earth, Craig Bennett, has announced he is stepping down in order to become CEO of the Wildlife Trusts.

Bennett joined Friends of the Earth in September 2010 as director of policy and campaigns, before taking up the role of chief executive in July 2015.

In a statement, Friends of the Earth credited him with having refocused the organisation on empowering communities to take action to protect the planet where they live.

It also highlighted successful campaigns on banning of bee-harming pesticides and securing a moratorium on fracking in England, as well as growing the movement to include over 100 new community groups.

Friends of the Earth’s board will start the process of recruiting Bennett’s successor shortly. Bennett will be taking up his new post at The Wildlife Trusts at the start of April.

Speaking about the move, Bennett said: “I feel enormously proud of what we have achieved during my time as chief executive. From campaign wins that protect nature and the climate, to growing a movement passionate about creating a better environment for all.

“I feel privileged to have worked alongside so many inspiring local activists and campaigners.

“I am now looking forward to continuing this work to protect wildlife and nature as chief executive of The Wildlife Trusts.

“It has been a real honour to serve as chief executive of Friends of the Earth and I will always remain a passionate supporter and friend of this extraordinary organisation and movement.”

Frances Butler, chair of Friends of the Earth, said: “Faced with a climate and ecological emergency, Friends of the Earth is as vital today as it’s always been. Craig has led support for communities to achieve significant wins for their environment and transformed the organisation so that it is ready to meet these environmental challenges head-on.

“I want to thank Craig for his hard work and dedication to Friends of the Earth and wish him well in his next venture.”

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