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Half of donations to Muslim Aid now made online

10 Apr 2018 News

Muslim Aid receives over half of all its donations throughout the year online, and more than 70 per cent of donations during Ramadan through mobile phones, according to its business development manager. 

Speaking to Fundraising Magazine Zac Hussain, business development manager at Muslim Aid, said that during Ramadan, some 70 per cent of the usually £5m donated to the charity during this period is made using mobile phones. Hussain also said that around half of the more than £15m a year in individual giving the charity receives is made by supporters digitally – be that on computer or through mobile phones.

Despite the central role that digital giving plays to the charity’s fundraising, Hussain told Fundraising Magazine there is more the charity can be doing to encourage support from its “young, digitally savvy” supporter base. 

“We’re looking to diversify our income streams; to continue to work on the sort of stuff that we’ve been doing historically but take it to a different level. We need to think about how we can grow the total pot, and it’s not just about the money, its about making sure that we’re making an impact, that there’s a level of brand awareness, engagement, communication with our supporter base.

“Our donors are predominantly young and very digitally savvy, split roughly 50/50 in terms of gender. And I suppose because of the reach of social media, everyone knows what’s going on. It’s a 24-hour sector, and one of our key objectives is to provide the relevant information that our supporters need to get and stay connected. They are already connected to the cause, but it’s about enabling them to make an impact on the ground.”

In the interview, Hussain also outlined how the charity is looking to expand its workforce by hiring new staff and how Muslim Aid has developed since the Charity Commission appointed an interim manager for the charity in October 2016. He also said he has plans to "modernise" the charity and make it run more like a business. 

The interview can be read in full by Fundraising Magazine subscribers here

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