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Homelessness charity updates branding and plans campaigning focus

25 Jul 2023 News


Youth homelessness charity Centrepoint has unveiled a £150,000 brand refresh, including an updated website, logo and strapline: “Ending youth homelessness”.

The charity said the new website will become a go-to place for young people worried about housing and homelessness through a new information hub.

Its new look references earlier incarnations of the charity’s logo, “showing it remains true to its radical roots, but has evolved to reflect the changing needs of the young people it supports”.

Centrepoint, founded in London in 1969, said it aims to move to a more “assertive campaigning position” at a time when youth homelessness has reached record levels.

£150,000 cost ‘value for money’

The brand refresh, which cost under £50,000, was led by Spencer DuBois, an agency specialising in brand consultancy charities and social purposes organisations.

Fat Beehive, which focuses on delivering web projects for not-for-profit organisation, led the £100,000 development of the new website.

A spokesperson for the charity said: “Through extensive research, we found that young people were increasingly looking to find support from us digitally which helped inform our decision to create a purpose-built online advice section and adapt our digital communications strategy to support young people navigating a personal housing crisis. 

“All this comes at a time when our helpline is seeing the highest number of calls ever. The new website also helps ensure Centrepoint is able to grow income via online donations and sign up more supporters who share our commitment to end youth homelessness.
“We know that none of our work would be possible without the support of our donors, partners and fundraisers – so, value for money was also at the forefront of our minds. We held a competitive tender process to select both Spencer DuBois and Fat Beehive, who are specialists in their fields and in their work for charities. 

“We believe these projects not only represent value for money but will also help us support more young people, better position our campaigning and help us generate income long into the future. To ensure a maximum return on our investment we are also phasing in the refreshed brand and not replacing assets wholesale.”

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