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Lisa Nandy to become a mother for the first time in the run-up to election

02 Dec 2014 News

Lisa Nandy, the shadow charities minister, is to become a mother for the first time in April, she announced today.

Lisa Nandy, the shadow charities minister, is to become a mother for the first time in April, she confirmed today.

Nandy’s first child is due in the run-up to general election, according to a story published today by Wigan Today, the local newspaper for Nandy’s constituency.

“We had always hoped to start a family at some stage and this time has now come,” Nandy told the newspaper.

“There is never a perfect time of course but the good thing about it happening now is that it will mean that I will be at home in Wigan at election time, which is really important to me because Wigan is where our baby will be born, grow up and go to school.

“As a politician the biggest thing is that you can empathise with people in lots of different situations so becoming a mum will show me a whole new range of experiences.

“And I think it is important to politics as a whole that there are working mums and dads in the Houses of Parliament, because it gives you another perspective.”

Nandy tweeted: "Some happy news from me (and my family)" alongside a link to the story, earlier this morning.