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Mental health charities renew partnership

10 May 2023 News

Mind, SAMH and Inspire representatives

Chris Watt

Three charities have announced a renewal of their partnership to address the UK’s mental health crisis. 

Mind, the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) and Inspire will once again collaborate across a range of areas including fundraising, communications and policy influencing. 

The charities will work together to campaign to end the stigma faced by people with mental health issues, improve mental wellbeing and influence policymakers.

Other areas of work will include sharing research and insight, “supporting each other as preferred fundraising partners” and “signposting each other’s services and resources”. 

Mind: ‘Work we do has never been more important’

Under the partnership, the charities will take action to prevent mental health inequalities by, for instance, promoting the needs of individuals living in poverty. 

Another area the charities will collaborate on include supporting and promoting young people’s needs, those who have gone through trauma and other “priority groups” for suicide prevention.

They will also do some work to improve mental wellbeing in the workplace and promote sport and physical activity among other things.  

Sarah Hughes, chief executive of Mind, said: “We're in the midst of a mental health crisis so the work we do as mental health charities has never been more important, particularly among those hardest hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. This is why I am so pleased to be re-committing to working so closely with SAMH and Inspire to fight for the UK’s mental health.

“At Mind, we have a bold strategy which centres those who are most likely to experience mental health problems and face barriers to accessing the right support. We know that to do this justice, we must work in partnership, which is why we committed to connect minds – bringing together people and organisations who want to join the fight for mental health. Working with SAMH and Inspire will play a crucial role in fulfilling this commitment.”

She continued: “With the cost-of-living crisis, deepening health inequalities and increasing numbers of young people reaching crisis point, the UK has never needed us more to step up for their mental health and we know we will be stronger together.”

‘Collective effort’ will drive change

SAMH’s chief executive Billy Watson said that only “a collective effort” will “drive change”.

“This renewed partnership combines the individual strengths of three of the country’s leading charities in a UK-wide platform, enhancing our impact to reach even more people through our services, and supply accessible, quality information on mental health and wellbeing to those who need it most.”

Inspire’s chief executive Kerry Anthony added: “When organisations with a common aim work together, we can achieve great things. That is why we are dedicated to this important partnership with Mind and SAMH. Together we can increase our opportunity to empower people to seek help, challenge stigma and discrimination and campaign with those living with mental ill-health.

“We understand the challenges people are facing. The continual impact due to the rise in the cost-of-living, post-pandemic burn out and mental health services facing significant challenges due to a lack of resources and staff. This has an impact on individuals, communities and the wider society. Alongside our friends in Mind and SAMH, we are best placed to reach more people ensuring everyone has the opportunity to access mental health and wellbeing support, information and services.”

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