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More women than men in list of top 100 fundraising directors

10 Jan 2017 News

Women outnumber men in the list of fundraising directors at the biggest charities, according to data published yesterday. 

According to data from Fundraising Magazine’s Top 100 Fundraising Directors Survey, 50 of the top 100 UK fundraising charities have female fundraising directors, while 49 have male directors, with one organisation currently having the position vacant. 

Of the top 100 fundraising charities in the UK, only BCC Media Action currently has no director or interim director of fundraising, after former director Kirsty Cockburn stepped down from the role at the end of last year. 

The data shows that this is the first time - in this decade at least - that female fundraising directors have outnumbered their male counterparts in senior fundraising positions in the UK’s largest fundraising charities. 

This represents a substantial increase in terms of female directors from the last set of survey results, published in January 2015. In the last survey, 56 per cent of fundraising director’s at the UK’s largest fundraising charities were male, compared with just 44 per cent who were female.

However the number of female directors at the top 20 charities has fallen from 12 in 2015 to just nine this year. 

While female representation in fundraising directorships has increased, it is still not entirely representative of the fundraising profession as a whole, with a 2013 Institute of Fundraising survey finding that over 70 per cent of fundraising staff were women.

A full pdf of the survey and accompanying feature can be found here


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