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Nearly 85 per cent of charity workers are looking for a new job 

31 Oct 2018 News

Some 84 per cent of charity workers are “planning a job move or considering a new challenge,” according to new research published yesterday. 

Recruitment agency, TPP, has published the findings of its Non-profit Salary Survey 2018. Along with finding that a large number of charity employees are searching for a new role, the survey also finds that 31 per cent of respondents do not feel their current job is “progressing their career”.

TPP's report concludes that the charity sector is also behind others when it comes to equality and inclusion. 

Charity salaries

Small salary increases are seen across all job functions, ranging from 0.5 per cent in supporter care, 1.9 per cent in fundraising to 2.3 per within marketing, communications and digital.

Half of those surveyed said their salary has stayed the same, 40 per cent had seen an increase while 10 per cent saw a decrease. 

Charities with over 100 employees pay on average 8 per cent more than smaller charities and those with an income of more than £10m pay on average 12 per cent more.

The report says: “The demand for talent across the non-profit sector is still increasing year-on-year, but there are not enough qualified/experienced candidates to meet this growing demand.” 

The survey was compiled using data from over 1,300 jobs and nearly 1,000 responses from its network. 

Gender gap 

Overall the report finds a gender pay gap of 8 per cent in favour of men. The report says that the gender pay gap varies according to the type of jobs held by people within a charity.

Fundraising has the second largest gender pay gap of 10 per cent, with men earning on average £42,817 compared to £38,271 for women. 

Women working in marketing and communications earn on average 11 per cent less than men, while women working in human resources earn on average 6 per cent more than men.

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