New automated and free service to help charities process gift aid claims

22 Oct 2024 News

GivenGain's fundraiser dashboards


The GivenGain UK Foundation has created a fully automated, free service to help charities process gift aid claims. 

Launching today, the service automatically distributes 100% of gift aid claims to charities free of charge. 

GivenGain, a non-profit fundraising platform, estimated that its service could save the UK charity sector up to £80m a year “by removing the unnecessary fees and admin associated with claiming gift aid, as well as eliminating the risk to charities of incorrect submissions”.

It said its service has “no hidden fees or subscription costs” and offers charities “a fee-free, hassle-free and risk-free way to access gift aid”.

New platform

Since 2001, GivenGain has helped charities raise hundreds of millions of pounds in 102 countries across six continents and currently supports over 500 UK and Irish charities. 

The foundation claims gift aid on behalf of charities and distributes 100% of the recovered funds to them.

It said its “streamlined” process saves charities time and money while mitigating the risks associated with incorrect gift aid claims. 

Charities that have active campaigns on GivenGain’s platform will be automatically transitioned to the new gift aid service.

New UK charities who sign up to GivenGain through its website will qualify for the new service and receive one-on-one customer support to answer any questions.  

For instance, a charity raising £100,000 online through its platform could save as much as £1,250 in gift aid fees compared with platforms charging 5% for processing claims. 

In addition to automating gift aid claims, GivenGain has a split donate feature, which allows fundraisers to support up to five charities through a single fundraising effort. 

‘Vital charities receive 100% of the funding they’re entitled to’

Will Irwin, UK and Europe lead at GivenGain, said: “Gift aid income is worth £1.6bn annually and is a lifeline for charities struggling to provide crucial services in the current economic climate. 

“However, with some commercial platforms charging up to 5% per claim or bundling the service into expensive, premium packages, charities are sadly losing out on millions every year in much-needed funding.  

“As a non-profit platform, it’s vital to us that charities receive 100% of the funding they’re entitled to. 

“Some charities might not be aware of the hidden charges levied for processing these claims, so we want to shine a light on this issue and empower charities to maximise the funds they receive. 

“By championing an ‘all give, no take’ approach, we’re proud to be able to help charities put every pound of gift aid back into the causes that need it most.”   

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