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New PFRA website aims to get politicians on board with F2F

17 Dec 2010 News

The Public Fundraising Regulatory Association has revamped its ePolitix microsite in a bid to educate parliamentary policy researchers, MPs and peers about face-to-face fundraising.

The Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA) has revamped its ePolitix microsite in a bid to educate parliamentary policy researchers, MPs and peers about face-to-face fundraising.

ePolitix now includes a researcher’s toolkit, policy meetings and discussions newsfeed and information on the local authority areas where the PFRA is currently negotiating for fundraising access.

The PFRA want to ensure the needs of the charity sector are accounted for by policymakers ahead of its review of the 2006 Charity Act in 2011.

Dr Toby Ganley, head of policy at the PFRA, said that liaison with Parliament was especially important in order to communicate what impact changes to the Act could have on the UK.

Effective liaison would also help clarify the facts about street fundraising ahead of the decision on whether to implement draft parts of the Act including a singular government licensing scheme for all types of street fundraising.

Ganley added that 2011 would be a landmark year for the sector as while the budget for the Charity Commission will be cut by more than a quarter in the next five years, the outcome of the review could see unfeasible additional responsibilities given to the Commission.

Ganley stressed: “What we would really like to do is find a champion in either House who will be able to totally get to grips with the licensing and regulatory implications and be able to lead on these issues.”

The website aims to aid the political lobbying PFRA undertakes on an ongoing basis with public affairs company Burston Marsteller.