Charity Finance Banking Survey 2025

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Institute of Fundraising publishes telephone fundraising guide

13 Feb 2019 News

The Institute of Fundraising (IoF) has published a free guide about telephone fundraising, saying that the method is still “a crucial way to develop relationships with supporters”.

A Good Call: Using the Telephone for Successful Fundraising, was published today and urges fundraisers to develop best practice in its telephone fundraising, as a way to help charities build stronger relationships with supporters.

It said that the telephone was effective in a number of ways, including in building rapport with supporters, reaching new supporters, communicating impact, converting supporters to regular donors, and to encourage them to take up legacies.

Tasmin Mitchell, business improvement lead at the Institute of Fundraising, said: “The telephone can be crucial to building and strengthening relationships with supporters - it allows for an individual conversation which can truly enhance a supporter’s experience and is a really important way to say ‘thank you’”.

The guide also provided direction on what makes a good call, with tips including not always asking for money, tailoring the conversation to individuals and ensuring phone calls are made when the time it right.

It added: “While today’s digital world has opened up new opportunities and communication channels, the telephone remains a valuable way of connecting with supporters, delivering a unique and personal experience.”

Popular with the sector

As well as the guide, the umbrella body undertook research which found that phone fundraising remains popular in the sector.

Some 74 per cent of respondents said they used the phone, with the most common reason (85 per cent) being for welcome calls and relationship building, not specific financial asks. It also found that 68 per cent  felt confident in their understanding of regulatory environment though some concerns were flagged about GDPR.

The guide was supported by Ethicall, a telephone fundraising agency. The survey had over 100 responses.

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