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UK’s richest gave £1.1bn more to charities last year, says Sunday Times Giving List

19 May 2023 News

Andrey Popov / Adobe Stock

Britain’s wealthiest have given £3.4bn to charity in the past year, up by £1.1bn on the previous year’s total, according to newly published data. 

Hedge fund manager Chris Hohn is the most generous philanthropist in the UK, according to the Sunday Times Giving List in association with the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF).

According to the new list, seven members gave more than £100m in the past year, and 42 gave £10m or more.

Britain’s most generous philanthropist 

The Sunday Times Rich List ranks the wealth of the 350 richest people in Britain, while the Giving List ranks their philanthropic activity.

Members of the Giving List collectively gave £3.4bn to charity personally or through their charitable foundations or businesses this year, up by £1.1bn on last year’s total giving. 

Hohn topped the rankings by giving away more than 15% of his current wealth.

He set up his own firm, the Children's Investment Fund, in 2003, it was structured so that its profits would go directly to Children’s Investment Fund Foundation.

Children's Investment Fund gave away more than £755m in 2021, which is about £2.1m a day.

CAF: Donations critical in cost-of-living crisis

Neil Heslop, chief executive of CAF, praised Hohn’s contributions.

“The effect of high-net-worth individuals giving is extraordinarily beneficial and I applaud it,” he said.

“He is an example of the trend we are seeing, someone who has already given a great deal yet continues to respond to the world around him by giving more.   

“The cost-of-living crisis and rising inflation continue to increase costs for charities and many more are relying on their vital services, at a time when the general public are reducing their donations. It is more important than ever that those who can afford to give, encourage others to join them in giving more.” 

After Hohn, the biggest giver on list was Alan Parker, followed by Henry Engelhardt and Diane Briere de I’lsle.

The Giving List was based on accounts filed with the Charity Commission, the Scottish Charity Regulator or private questionnaires received by 10 May 2023.   

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