Which? to review its governance arrangements 

25 May 2018 News

The Consumer’s Association, which is known as Which?, has said it will review its governance and assess it against the new Charity Governance Code. 

Which? has come under mounting pressure in recent years over its structure and high levels of executive pay. 

Its outgoing chief executive, Peter Vicary-Smith, earned between £460,000 and £470,000 for the2016/17 financial year. After 13 years in the role he will leave the organisation in September. 

In January 2017, a group of Which? members sought to impose limits to executive pay and bonuses, and called for greater transparency of contracts awarded by Vicary-Smith to trustee-owned companies.  

The review is expected to take two years to complete and a paper will be issued ahead of the charity’s annual general meeting in November. Final recommendations and proposals should be ready before the AGM in 2019. 

Dame Deirdre Hutton to lead review 

Dame Deirdre Hutton will lead the review and Julia Unwin will act as an independent member of the committee. 

Hutton is the chair of the Civil Aviation Authority and has served on a number of public bodies. 

Three trustees, including the chair, Tim Gardam, will sit on the governance review committee. 

Gardham said: “We initiated the governance review to ensure our governance and ordinary membership arrangements work to maximise our ability to achieve our desired charitable and commercial strategic objectives.”

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