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Who’s Moving: Chance UK, RNIB, Pancreatic Cancer UK and more 

03 Jul 2017 News

Lynne Walker, chair of Pancreatic Cancer UK

Our weekly summary of the latest movers in the charity sector

Chief executive

Chance UK has appointed Geethika Jayatilaka as its chief executive, she will take up the role in September when current chief executive Gracia McGrath OBE retires.

She has leadership experience in the not for profit sector and in public service having worked for, amongst others, Creativity, Culture and Education and 4Children. She has also been chair of governors at a London Primary School and cabinet member for children in the London Borough of Camden. 

Derek Mitchell has been appointed chief executive of Citizens Advice Scotland. He is currently a chief officer at COSLA, the local governing body for Scotland.

Mitchell will join Citizens Advice Scotland on Monday 28 August. Anne Lavery, the chief operating officer, will continue as acting chief executive until Mitchell joins.


The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has appointed Elvira Meucci-Lyons as its new director of fundraising.

Elvira has headed campaigning and fundraising teams for several major UK charities. She has led the retention and development team at Shelter UK, and spent 11 years handling marketing campaigns, community fundraising and outreach programmes for the Dogs Trust. Elvira was most recently director of fundraising at domestic violence charity Refuge.

Finance and operations

Sophie Castell, former director of marketing, communications and fundraising at Canal & River Trust, has joined RNIB in the newly created role of relationships director.

She brings experience from executive, interim and consulting positions across the commercial, voluntary and public sectors, including Coca-Cola, Unilever Ventures, Save the Children, and the NHS.  At RNIB, Castrell will join the charity's executive board to lead the new relationships directorate, comprising the charity’s marketing, fundraising, partnership and community engagement teams.


Lynne Walker, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2009, will take on the role of chair at Pancreatic Cancer UK in July, when current chair Sarah Roberts steps down.

Roberts has been a trustee at the charity since 2010, and chair since 2014. She will now become a trustee at Thames Valley Air Ambulance

The Stroke Association has appointed Stephen King as the charity’s new chair designate.

King is a long-serving trustee of the charity Sightsavers International and is deputy chair of NHS West Essex. Prior to retiring in 2013, he spent 23 years as an executive director of RNIB. He follows in the footsteps of Sir David Varney, who stepped down in December 2016, after four years as the charity’s chair.

Dame Kelly Holmes Trust has appointed four new trustees to its board. Clare Hunt, Ed Bracher, Jeremy Pearce and Nicky Roche were selected following an open recruitment process and will each join on an initial three-year term.

Hunt is currently group director of strategy and communications for Compass Group PLC, while Bracher is currently chief executive of Riding for the Disabled Assocation. Pearce has worked as a consultant in corporate governance and corporate responsibility with the World Bank and board advisory at KPMG, and Roche is currently director of strategy for Sporting Assets and sits on the board of UK Sport, chairing their major events panel.

Civil Society Media is hosting its Charity People & Culture Conference on 20 September 2017. For more information, and to book, click here.



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