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Who's Moving: Canal & River Trust, Alzheimer's Research, CIoF and more

03 Oct 2022 News

Kate Swann, new Chair of Alzheimer's Research UK

New chair at Alzheimer's Research UK

Former chief executive of SSP Group and WHSmith, Kate Swann, has been announced as the new chair of Alzheimer's Research UK.

She will became a trustee on 1 October and will step into the role of chair on 1 February 2023. 

Swann will be taking the helm from David Mayhew, vice chairman of J.P. Morgan’s global investment bank, who has been in post since 2012.  He will become Alzheimer's Research UK’s vice president when he officially hands over the role of chair next year.
Swann  was motivated to take on this role at Alzheimer's Research UK after seeing the impact of dementia on her mum, who died with frontotemporal dementia.
She said:  “I take on roles where I can make a difference and I can’t imagine making a bigger difference to people’s lives than helping to find cures for dementia. So, it’s an honour to become the next chair of Alzheimer's Research UK.
“My mum was a force of nature, the matriarch of our family - but dementia took all of that away from her and from us. My mum would have been mortified if she had known what was happening, and for us as a family, it was truly heartbreaking to witness.”

Nadine Campbell appointed CIoF chair 

Nadine Campbell has been recommended by the interview panel to be appointed as chair of Chartered Institute of Fundraising (CIoF). 

She was elected as a trustee in 2020 and as interim chair in 2021, and her term of office will  continue until 2024.

Campbell was previously chair and committee member of Chartered Institute Northern Ireland. 

She said: “Over the last year I’ve had the opportunity to listen and hear from many of our members and am excited to start work on our new organisational strategy for 2023.”

Board appointments at Canal & River Trust 

The Canal & River Trust has this week made three appointments to its board of trustees.  

David Orr becomes the new chair, with Bronagh Kennedy and Ian Peters joining as trustees.
The appointments are for an initial three-year term.  They bring the Trust’s board to 11 members, with the charity’s out-going chair, Allan Leighton, and trustee Ben Gordon having stepped down on completion of their terms of office.
Orr joins following a career working in the housing association sector at chief executive level where he lobbied for, and worked to provide, good quality homes and great neighbourhoods for people on low incomes.

Kennedy retires later this year from her role as group company secretary and general counsel at Severn Trent Water. Peters is chair of the UK Health Security Agency and three companies involved in the energy transition sector. 

Care Provider Alliance welcomes chair

The coalition of national voices of adult social care providers in England, the Care Provider Alliance (CPA) has appointed Nadra Ahmed, who is currently executive chairman of the National Care Association, as chair.

Ahmed has served on numerous government task forces and she was the vice chairman of Skills for Care for 11 years having been appointed at its inception. 

She follows professor Martin Green, chief executive of Care England who served as the CPA’s chair for the past 12 months.

She said: “I am delighted and honoured to be the incoming chair at the same time as our new prime minister. The pandemic has shown just how vital social care is for people to live well in our communities. We are on the brink of another complex and challenging winter along with a cost of living crisis the stark realities of how interdependent social care and the NHS are will be further highlighted.”

ACEVO recruits interim head of influencing

Roberta Fusco is to join ACEVO as interim head of influencing. She was previously interim director of policy and communications at Living Streets.

Whitehall & Industry Group welcomes interim chief executive

Vicky Browning will be taking up the position of interim chief executive of The Whitehall & Industry Group from 10 October.

Browning recently left ACEVO after five years as chief executive.

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