Henry Smith Charity – Two funding pots to close
Grants available: £20,000 - £70,000.
Deadline to apply: 28 June.
Who is the funding for?
Henry Smith Charity has announced that it will close its two grant programmes Improving Lives and Strengthening Communities after 28 June and then undertake a review of its funding pots.
Improving Lives is offering grants for small and medium-sized organistions in the UK to support projects and running costs of organisations. Applicants must have an annual income between £50,000 - £3m and be located in the UK only.
The Strengthening Communities Fund is open to smaller organisations between £20,000 - £500,000 in annual income. Applicants’ work must be located in or immediately next to an area that is part of the 10% most deprived areas in England and Scotland, or 15% most deprived areas in Wales and Northern Ireland.
The funding can cover running costs.
When will you hear back?
Six months.
Big Give Christmas Challenge
Grants available: Up to £25,000 in match funding.
Deadline to apply: 5 July.
Who is the funding for?
The Big Give is inviting registered charities to apply for its Big Give Christmas Challenge which offers match funding of up to £25,000.
Applicants must have an annual income of at least £25,000 and be registered with the Big Give online, which is free to do.
Since the campaign was launched in 2008, it has contributed to raising £33m for over 1,000 charities. This year, the campaign will run from 3 -10 December.
When will you hear back?
9 October.
The Phoenix Way: Children and Youth Round 2
Grants available: £50,000 - £75,000.
Deadline to apply: 3 July.
Who is the funding for?
Charities led by representatives of Black and racially minoritised communities, work with participants that are primarily 18 or under and work in England and/or Wales. Applicants must have annual operating budgets of up to £150,000 per year.
When will you hear back?