Peter Gotham
Peter Gotham is a partner and head of charities at MHA MacIntyre Hudson, having joined in July 2011 following the merger with Gotham Erskine LLP.
He formed Gotham & Co. in 1981 to develop the services which he had been providing to small organisations on a voluntary basis. He advises a wide range of clients and continues to be active as a trustee, and honorary adviser to a number of charities. He lectures and writes widely on charity accounting and finance and served as Chairman of the Charities and Voluntary Sector Group of the ICAEW.
He has had a significant technical input to legislative changes affecting the sector, and is now on the national SORP Committee - working on developing the Statement of Recommended Practice for charity accounts. He is a visiting fellow at the Cass Centre for Charity Effectiveness at City University, and lectures on the charity finance MSc there.