Rosie Chapman
Rosie Chapman is a charity consultant and was director of policy and effectiveness at the Charity Commission for ten years until June 2011.
A co-founder of Belinda Pratten and Rosie Chapman Associates, she specialises in board strategic planning; regulatory and governance advice; policy and public affairs; research and evaluation.
Prior to joining the Commission, Rosie spent six years at the Housing Corporation in a variety of roles culminating as assistant director (regulation policy). In the past she has worked for a housing association, acted as company secretary for a number of charitable organisations, and within local government.
Rosie is currently Secretary to NCVO's Executive Pay Inquiry and she sits on BITC's 'CommunityMark' Independent Approvals Panel.
She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators; a member of NCVO’s Advisory Council; and was a member of its Charity Law Review Advisory Group.
Rosie has held a number of trustee and board positions. She is currently a trustee of Charity Finance Group and of Catalyst Gateway, a community development charity.