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Against Breast Cancer joins forces with lingerie retailer to drive more donations

18 Oct 2018 Sponsored content

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This Breast Cancer Awareness month, the online fundraising and money-saving platform Savoo has facilitated a brand new relationship between Against Breast Cancer and lingerie retailer Leia Lingerie. 

In a bid to drive more donations and raise awareness, Savoo has increased the percentage donated to Against Breast Cancer from 5 per cent to 7 per cent for each Leia Lingerie purchase. This means consumers can raise even more money for the charity every time they shop at Leia Lingerie, still at no extra cost to them. 

Against Breast Cancer is committed to finding a vaccine against breast cancer, funding groundbreaking research to improve detection and, ultimately, increase survival rates after diagnosis. 

With over 5,000 people being diagnosed with breast cancer every month, it’s currently the most common form of cancer in the UK, affecting 1 in 8 women in their lifetime. These figures prove that it’s crucial now more than ever to support charities like Against Breast Cancer in the fight against this disease.

Having been one of Savoo’s charity partners since 2016, Against Breast Cancer’s partnership with Leia Lingerie through the Savoo platform is one of the first of its kind. Savoo is putting increasing effort towards bringing together charities and brands with clear synergies. The end goal here is to raise more donations and create new, meaningful relationships between charities and retailers.

Kelly Gibson, corporate partnerships manager at Against Breast Cancer, said: “We are delighted to be partnering with Leia Lingerie through our existing relationship with Savoo. We welcome working with empathetic partners that believe in our aim to find a vaccine against breast cancer. We hope our supporters get behind this Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign and we would love to welcome new supporters from Leia Lingerie’s prestigious customer base.”

Here’s how it works: 

1.    Look out for the Savoo exclusive 5 per cent discount code across all Leia Lingerie products which is valid throughout October. 
2.    Shop Leia Lingerie’s gorgeous selection of luxury lingerie, nightwear and swimwear. Enter the discount code at the checkout to save 5 per cent on your order.
3.    Savoo, in partnership with Leia Lingerie, will be donating an extra 2 per cent of your basket value to Against Breast Cancer. So that’s a total of 7 per cent of all Leia Lingerie purchases made through our platform during October being donated. 

To get your hands on the Savoo exclusive 5 per cent discount code, simply go to Leia Lingerie’s offers page on Savoo and click on the offer to reveal the code. Then follow the link to the Leia Lingerie website to start saving and raising for Against Breast Cancer. 

Shelley Engall, online marketing executive said: “We’re proud to be partnering up with Against Breast Cancer through Savoo and supporting their work during Breast Cancer Awareness month this October. Every time you shop at Leia Lingerie through Savoo you’ll be raising free donations for this important charity as well as saving money on your order by using the exclusive 5 per cent discount code.” 

We bet you’ll find a lingerie set from Leia Lingerie that’ll make you feel amazingly confident no matter what your style is. Remember you can find lots of Leia Lingerie discount codes on the Savoo website for savings all year round, too. 

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