Society Diary: Charities at polling stations

05 Jul 2024 Voices

Civil Society’s comedic columnist takes a look at how charities engaged with the general election yesterday...


Greetings charity friends. If you are anything like Diary, you stayed up far too late last night watching the election coverage, which quickly somersaulted into looking at the bottom of many an empty beer bottle. Go figure. 

The election night was historic in more ways than one.

Alongside the Labour landslide, new PM Keir Starmer was pictured fervently shaking hands with his staunch opponent Elmo, Jacob Rees-Mogg heard he lost his seat while standing next to a man wearing a baked bean balaclava, and Lib Dem leader Ed Davey danced the night away to Sweet Caroline. 

Charities got involved with the big day by encouraging the public to go out and vote in the interest of their causes, as well as encouraging them to bring their cute mascots along. Obviously. 


RSPB asked the British public to take pictures of any birds they saw at the polling stations, in a bid to take on the famous #DogsAtPollingStations trend. 

Some may say this was quackers... But the charity's supporters delivered, with some taking artificial birds along with them to cast their votes. 


Unsurprisingly, RSPCA got involved with the #DogsAtPollingStations trend so that pooches could get engaged in pawlitics...


Mind jumped on the bandwagon too, and received replies including lots of furry voters... One hopes they did not forget their ID.


The charity for blind and partially sighted people, RNIB, has been raising awareness of how people with sight problems may not be able to vote independently. 

In the video below, the charity shows how a blind or partially sighted person can use technology and AI to vote independently. 

Freedom From Torture

Freedom From Torture CEO Sonya Sceats turned up to the ballot box sporting the charity’s limited edition merch. 

The winds of change

Diary is hopeful about what the new government will bring, and fingers crossed it’s lots of cash and care for the charity sector.

And finally, what we are all thinking: it is a crying shame that Larry the Cat has not been left to run things himself. But as a staunch animal enthusiast, here’s hoping he likes his new tenants. We will continue to follow his political career closely.

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